Tabela de Conteúdo
Table of Contents
Preface to the English Edition
Foreword to the German Edition
a. Topic and task
b. Bruno’s teachings on Aristotle
c. Overview of the order of presentation
d. Preliminaries to Bruno’s method of reception
I. Logic
1. Aristotle’s Topics
2. Transcendental Logic
3. Ars Lulliana and Ars Memoriae
4. Syllogisms and Categories
5. Ens Rationis and Ens Reale
II. Cosmology
6. Location and Space
7. Abstraction and Extrapolation
8. Multitude of Worlds
9. The Infinite
10. Distinctions of the Infinite
11. Natural and Relative Location
12. The Infinite by Division
13. The Minimum
14. Time and the Atom of Time
III. Principles of Nature
15. Teleology and Reason in Nature
16. The Concept of Nature in Bruno’s Philosophy
17. Matter as Substratum of Forms
18. The Mode of Being of Matter: Substratum, Substance, Subject
19. The Principles Matter and Form
20. Matter in the Dialectic Oneness of Being
21. The Natural Principles in the Context of the Method of Reception
IV. Unity and Multiplicity
22. Unity as Substance
23. The Unmoved Mover
24. Physical and Metaphysical Motion
25. Immanence and Transcendence in the Unity of God and Nature
26. Absolute Immanence
27. Verification
28. Thought as Motion
29. Outcome and Conclusion
Index of Names