With contributions from eight noted theologians, this book builds on popular videos from the Day 1 radio.
Science or faith? The battle rages, from millennials and Gen Xers questioning the relevance of religion to older adults who doubt the validity of science (and vice versa), but these two are not mutually exclusive. They can, in fact, be mutually enriching and complimentary, once their proper domains are understood and respected. The Episcopal Church, with its tradition of the “via media, ” offers an ideal setting for conversations seeking to bridge the often antagonistic perspectives on both sides. Faith and Science in the 21st Century presents a way to start that conversation.
Built on existing videos produced by the popular Day 1 program with assistance from a John Templeton Foundation grant, this series features notable faith leaders across the denominational spectrum in 3 to 5 minute video presentations on scientific topics in which they are experts. Intended for use in a variety of settings, including congregations, schools, and campus ministries, it can be presented as an eight-session series of studies, but each session can also stand on its own for a one-time formation offering. A single video download will offer all video presentations. This Leader Guide enables facilitators to foster fruitful discussions of each session topic. It includes an introduction about the program and how it can be used, and eight detailed session plans to utilize with a downloadable video sold separately on the Day 1 website.
Tabela de Conteúdo
How to Use This Resource
Session 1: How Can Faith and Science Inform Each Other?
Session 2: God and Cosmos
Session 3: Creation and Evolution
Session 4: Quantum Physics and Eternity
Session 5: Science and the Image of God
Session 6: The Bible and Genetics
Session 7: Life and Death
Session 8: Continuing the Conversation
For Further Reading
Meet the Speakers
Sobre o autor
Katharine Jefferts Schori was the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada and the former Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of the United States. She lives in Nevada and is the author of A Wing and a Prayer: A Message of Faith and Hope and The Heartbeat of God: Finding the Sacred in the Middle of Everything.