Autor: Petrucci Federico M.

Jan Erik Heßler is lecturer at Würzburg University where he obtained his Ph D with a commented edition on Epicurus” Letter to Menoeceus. In addition to this book, he has written and edited studies on the school of Epicurus, Plato, the Greek rhetorical tradition, ancient Greek poetry, and the Christian reception of Terence. Michael Erler is Senior Professor and chair of the board of directors of the Siebold Collegium Institute for Advanced Studies (SCIAS) at Würzburg University. He is former president of International Plato Society (IPS), Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie (Gan Ph), Mommsen Gesellschaft, and has written monographs and essays on Plato, Platonism, Epicurus, Epicureanism, drama, and Hellenistic poetry. Federico M. Petrucci is Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Turin. His research is focused especially on Plato and the Platonist tradition: he published a monograph on Taurus of Beirut (2018) and a commented critical edition of the Timaeus (with Franco Ferrari, 2022).

1 Ebooks por Petrucci Federico M.

Michael Erler & Jan Erik Heßler: Authority and Authoritative Texts in the Epicurean Tradition
Schwabe Epicurea Herausgegeben von Michael Erler und Wolfgang Rother In dieser Reihe erscheinen Texte, Kommentare und Studien zu Epikur und zur epikureischen Tradition bis zur Neuzeit. Dem wissenscha …