Prof. Piermarco Cannarsa, Full professor in Mathematical Analysis, Dept. of Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma, Italy and Italian coordinator of the European Research Group (GDRE) on “Control of Partial Differential Equations” (CONEDP) issued by CNRS, INd AM and Universite” de Provence. Prof. Teresa D”Aprile, Dept. of Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma, Italy
8 Ebooks por Piermarco Cannarsa
Piernicola Bettiol & Piermarco Cannarsa: Analysis and Geometry in Control Theory and its Applications
Since the 1950s control theory has established itself as a major mathematical discipline, particularly suitable for application in a number of research fields, including advanced engineering design, …
Piermarco Cannarsa & Teresa D’Aprile: Introduction to Measure Theory and Functional Analysis
This book introduces readers to theories that play a crucial role in modern mathematics, such as integration and functional analysis, employing a unifying approach that views these two subjects as b …
Fabio Ancona & Piermarco Cannarsa: Mathematical Paradigms of Climate Science
This book, featuring a truly interdisciplinary approach, provides an overview of cutting-edge mathematical theories and techniques that promise to play a central role in climate science. It brings to …
Piermarco Cannarsa & Teresa D’Aprile: Introduzione alla teoria della misura e all’analisi funzionale
Il libro introduce la teoria della misura e l’analisi funzionale con una coda di argomenti scelti. Contiene un’ampia gamma di esempi ed esercizi, per i quali si forniscono spesso suggerimenti generos …
Fabio Ancona & Alberto Bressan: Geometric Control And Nonsmooth Analysis: In Honor Of The 73rd Birthday Of H Hermes And Of The 71st Birthday Of R T Rockafellar
The aim of this volume is to provide a synthetic account of past research, to give an up-to-date guide to current intertwined developments of control theory and nonsmooth analysis, and also to point …
Piermarco Cannarsa & Carlo Sinestrari: Semiconcave Functions, Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, and Optimal Control
Semiconcavity is a natural generalization of concavity that retains most of the good properties known in convex analysis, but arises in a wider range of applications. This text is the first comprehen …
Fatiha Alabau-Boussouira & Roger Brockett: Control of Partial Differential Equations
The term "control theory" refers to the body of results – theoretical, numerical and algorithmic – which have been developed to influence the evolution of the state of a given system in ord …
Piermarco Cannarsa & Daniela Mansutti: Mathematical Approach to Climate Change and its Impacts
This book presents important recent applied mathematics research on environmental problems and impacts due to climate change. Although there are inherent difficulties in addressing phenomena that are …