Pediatric Urology has established itself as a separate
subspeciality and is an essential component of the Intercollegiate
exams both in Pediatric Surgery (FRCS Paeds) and Adult Urology
(FRCS Urol) and the Board exams in the USA. Exposure to Pediatric
Urology training is often limited to only one year in most
Pediatric surgical training programmes; and is practically
non-existent in Adult urology training programmes.
There are several Pediatric Urology textbooks providing factual
information and literature reviews; however, problem based learning
has be shown to be much more useful than the search and scan
This book covers all the major topics in Pediatric Urology in a
‘problem solving’ format and using numerous illustrations. Most of
the information is evidence-based and all problems are
representative of those actually encountered in clinical
The contributing authors have key affiliations with societies
such as the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, the British
Association of Paediatric Urologists and the European Association
of Paediatric Urologists.
Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Contributors.
1 Pediatric Nephrology.
2 Perinatal Urology.
3 Urodynamics.
4 Hypospadias and Related Conditions.
5 Testicular disorders.
6 Epispadias, Bladder and Cloacal Exstrophy.
7 Vesicoureteric Reflux.
8 Congenital Anomalies- Kidney and Ureter.
9 Congenital Anomalies- Bladder and Urethra.
10 Genitourinary Trauma.
11 Office Pediatric Urology.
12 Neuropathic Bladder and Bowel.
13 Pediatric Urinary Stone Disease.
14 Genitourinary Tumours.
15 Female Genital Anomalies.
16 Urinary Tract Infections.
17 Ambiguous Genetalia and Intersex Disorders.
Sobre o autor
Mr Prasad Godbole, Department of Paediatric Urology,
Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Dr Duncan Wilcox, Great Ormond Street Hospital,
Professor John Gearhart, Professor and Director,
Pediatric Urology, Brady Urological Institute, The Johns Hopkins
Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.