Sarah Birch, an orphan from birth, after completing her collegiate career obtaining both an MD and a PHD takes her first job in New York City as a Research Biologist to the DANNAR Corporation. A traditional Millennial, with less than one year in the job, she quits the company. She desires to spend time seeking her biological parents.
Her search leads her to her second cousin who has information regarding his mother’s past; information Sarah seeks as his Mother would be her Mothers sister. He, however, is reluctant to provide too much information as he is ashamed to admit that his mother is a nun; and was a nun at his time of birth.
Undaunted, Sarah boards an airline and makes her way too Provence, France, the locale of Sarah’s cousins Mother.
Sister Mary Theresa enlightens Sarah as to the rationale that both she and Sarah’s mother labored under as members of the cloth when they both conceived and delivered their children. Sarah ultimately uncovers the rationale behind such bizarre beginnings rapped in a conundrum of her former employer, the Church and the riddle of Mary Magdalene’s time in Southern France.
Sobre o autor
In his more than forty years in the aviation industry, Dr. Robert W. Kaps has done a bit of everything. From being involved with airline labor negotiations, to working with celebrities including Peter Sellers of Pink Panther fame, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Frank Sinatra, and other members of the famed “Rat Pack” during his and their travels.
During his time as a Full Professor, Dr. Kaps published three books; Fiscal Aspects of Aviation Management, Air Transport Labor Relations, and Labor Relations in the Aviation and Aerospace Industries.
It is with this same writing passion that he now turns his attention to the fictional field. Drawing upon his world travels, medical work in cell wall structures, and gene modification, he brings a timely, engaging, and pertinent novel to the twenty-first century. Through the character of Sarah Birch, he navigates the murky water of seeking an orphaned individual’s mother, only to find the awful truth behind her orphan hood. In discovering a heinous situation in her mother’s past, she ultimately finds solace in a place where Mary Magdalene is considered a patron saint, not a misplaced prostitute. As Sarah comes closer and closer to finding the truth behind a scheme to use nuns as quasi surrogate mothers, she stumbles on a dark secret concerning a plot to replicate someone through gene manipulation. The results are compelling!