Autor: Reinhold Achatz

Klaus Pohl is full professor for Software Systems Engineering at the Institute of Computer Science and Business Computing of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, and director of paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology. He was scientific founding director of Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Institute, served as coordinator of the FP7 Network of Excellence S-Cube (Software Services and Systems Network) and is member of several steering committees and boards of directors including  the European Technology Platform NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative) and the German Innovation Alliance SPES 2020. Harald Hönninger is Vice President of Advance Engineering for Software-Intensive Systems at Corporate Research and Advanced Development with Robert Bosch Gmb H. In his position, he is responsible for the pre-development of software-intensive systems and for corporate-wide software-, hardware- and systems engineering methods. Reinhold Achatz recently joined Thyssen Krupp, where he leads the Corporate Center Technology, Innovation & Quality.  Before he was Corporate Vice President of Siemens AG and head of Corporate Research and Technologies as well as the Corporate Development Center. He has been honored as a “Siemens Top Innovator” for his outstanding innovations in software-based components for set-up, operations and execution accuracy of machine tools. Manfred Broy is full professor for Software and Systems Engineering at the Institute for Computer Science of the Technical University of Munich. Among other awards, he received the Leibniz Preis, the highest scientific award of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Konrad-Zuse-Medal for extraordinary services in Computer Science. Manfred Broy is a Max-Planck-Fellow, member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering and member of the German National Academy of the Sciences“Leopoldina”.

1 Ebooks por Reinhold Achatz

Klaus Pohl & Harald Hönninger: Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems
Embedded systems have long become essential in application areas in which human control is impossible or infeasible. The development of modern embedded systems is becoming increasingly difficult and …