This is a story set in the 1870s of violence and struggle in the West and of a mother and her daughter who find themselves cast into slavery to settle a debt not of their doing. This is a story of a mother forced to submit to the vilest of tasks in the belief that it will protect her daughter from the same plight and her daughter who will in time learn what her mother is being forced to do and she will soon be forced to do the same. This is a story of a mother and her daughter whose belief in God helped them keep their minds and souls above their truly hell-like world they find themselves in and the heartbreak which awaits them.
Sobre o autor
Richard D. Smith, born and raised in California with a passion for The Old West, Richard uses his love of historical references to bring life to the pages of the books he writes. In this, his second publication he shines the light on a very dark chapter of the Old West.