Clint Jackson is living in a tiny apartment in San Francisco when, after waking from an alcoholic haze. He receives an unwelcome phone call from his brother John in St. Louis. John informs Clint that their baby sister, Melanie, has gone missing in Peru, that their father, with whom Clint has had a toxic relationship, has had a debilitating stroke, and that he needs to return home prior to leaving for South America to find out what happened to Melanie. Reluctantly, Clint agrees, soon finding himself forced to confront unforeseen challenges as he searches for his sister in the Andean region of Cajamarca in Peru. Stymied by American and Peruvian officials, he needs to overcome his own weaknesses, resentments, and self-loathing if he has any hope of solving the mystery of Melanie’s disappearance. Caught up in a complex and shifting situation in a culture and landscape that is totally foreign to him, he struggles against overwhelming odds to overcome the many obstacles in his path to finding his sister but also to come to grips with his own destiny.
Sobre o autor
Richard J. Walter is emeritus professor of history at Washington University in St. Louis, specializing in Latin America and U.S.-Latin American relations. He is the author of six scholarly monographs, four on the political and social history of Argentina, one a history of Chile’s capital, Santiago, and one on the relations between Peru and the United States between 1960 and 1975. He has lived and traveled extensively in Peru, including on several medical missions to the Andean city of Cajamarca. He has published three previous novels with I-Universe, all of which are set in the actual historical and political context of the time. He lives in St. Louis with his wife Susana.