How to improve public services and easily cut costs. While the public sector is faced with axing services to save billions and deliver 25% – 40% budget cuts, there are organisations that are not only saving services but improving them and massively cutting costs as a result. Public sector leaders are currently weighing up heart-wrenching decisions to slash public services. This book shows that these dilemmas can be avoided. With no complex change programmes, expensive IT projects or extended training courses, this book describes a simple but effective method. It starts with the key questions and actions that will overcome resistance to change, enthuse staff and get concrete results in weeks. One government department, described in the book, discovered how to remove 52% of the calls to its new contact centre, eliminate 91% of its process steps and drastically improve service to its users. A 25% – 40% cut in budget is easy when you know how. If you are involved in the public sector and don’t want to see services decimated, this is a must read book. www.Beat The
Tabela de Conteúdo
Fundamental Ideas
1 Improving service cuts cost
2 Customer provides the reason
3 Appreciation for a system
4 Understanding variation
5 Flow and pull
6 Problem solving with HELP
7 Good culture comes from good work
8 People want to do a good job
9 Real motivation comes from within
10 The waste of staff potential
11 Job roles must change
Systems in Practice
12 Management traps
13 Flow versus scale
14 Not all work is valid
15 Measures drive behaviour
16 Behavioural pressures
17 Transactional services
Complex Human Services
18 Beyond transactions
19 Inside in
20 Follow the customer
Take Action
21 Create your own models
22 Subtle interventions
23 Start today
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About the author
Sobre o autor
Rob Worth is a service design consultant specialising in helping public sector bodies such as local authorities, the NHS and government agencies to drastically improve their service and massively cut their costs. After an MMath (Hons) in Mathematics, Rob honed his skills in the City at Chase Manhattan and JPMorgan before starting Worth Solutions Limited in 2003. He has since worked in many public and private sector organisations before deciding to put something back into society by concentrating on working with the public sector. In addition to consulting, Rob is a writer and a speaker who believes that getting the best from any system is easier than you think if you know the right thing to look at. He is outspoken on many topics including management, systems thinking, organisational improvement, learning and excellence in public services.