There is much value in ‘thinking small, ‘ say William H. Willimon and Robert L. Wilson. The importance of the small-membership church is illuminated in this thoughtful and insightful assessment.
In Preaching and Worship in the Small Church, authors Willimon and Wilson identify the problems facing small churches and offer well-grounded advice for solving them. The need for this is seen in the fact that from one-half to two-thirds of Protestant churches in the United States are small (fewer than two hundred members).
These tightly knit little communities of faith focus mainly on the very basic and much-overlooked fundamentals of Christian theology. As the authors note, ‘It is in such family-like churches that true worship renewal will occur, long before their larger counterparts will taste of this fresh new wine.’
This is an affirming book: ‘It affirms the role and basic values of the small church. It affirms the centrality of Word and Sacrament. It affirms the role of the pastor of the small congregation. It affirms the laity and their values. On this foundation of authentic affirmation can be built creative and inspiring ministries, as the laity and the minister serve God together, in and through the small church.’
Sobre o autor
Will Willimon is one of the most popular writers on church, ministry, and religion in the United States today. His books have sold over a million copies. He has served as an editor, writer, pastor, and bishop. He currently teaches at Duke Divinity School.