Shares Made Simple, written by highly respected financial journalist Rodney Hobson, tears away the mystique and jargon that surrounds the stock market. It takes you step by step through the most basic concepts of stock market investing, carefully explaining issues such as:
– What shares are and how they are bought and sold
– Why share prices go up and down
– Why some companies’ shares look cheap while others appear to be expensive
– The hidden traps for the unwary
This fully revised and updated second edition of this bestselling book sets out to create a level playing field between the stock market professionals and the small investor. As rising living standards and inherited cash provide assets for investment, no-one needs to suffer pitiful bank interest rates when there is real money to be made in sharing the nation’s wealth.
Thousands of investors have already benefited from Rodney’s clear explanation of the stock market – now you can too.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Section A – Shares
1. What Are Shares?
2. How Shares Are Created
3. Whose Company Is It?
4. What’s In It For Me?
5. Is My Investment Safe?
Section B – The Stock Market
6. The Market Place
7. Full Listings And AIM
8. How Shares Are Traded
9. Stock Market Indices
Section C – Companies
10. Company Focus
11. Income Statement (Profit And Loss)
12. Balance Sheet
13. Potential Nasties
Section D – Investing
14. Starting Out
15. Stockbrokers
16. Fundamental Data
17. Charting
18. Tips
19. Jargon Busting
20. Rights Issues And Placings
Section E – Takeovers
21. Mergers And Acquisitions
22. Before A Bid
23. A Bid Is Launched
24. Bid Timetable
25. Management Buyouts
– Useful websites