As the major driver of US demographic change, Latinos are reshaping key aspects of the social, economic, political, and cultural landscape of the country.
In this second edition of Latina/os in the United States, Sáenz, Morales, and Rayo-Garza highlight the experiences of Latinos in a variety of domains, including gender and sexuality, education, political engagement, work and economic life, family, religion, health and health care, crime and victimization, mass media, and the arts. This updated edition includes the latest demographic trends, discusses recent mass shootings of Latinos, the impact of the Trump administration, and COVID-19. With greater focus on the Afro-Latino population and Latina/o social thought, it offers sociological perspectives on both native-born and immigrant populations, and engages readers in thinking about the major issues that Latinos are facing. The book clearly illustrates the diverse experiences of the array of Latino groups in the United States, with some of these groups succeeding socially and economically, while other groups continue to experience major social and economic challenges. The book concludes with a discussion of what the future holds for Latinos.
This book is essential reading for students, social scientists, and policymakers interested in Latinos and their place in contemporary society.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1 Introduction
2 The Diverse Histories of Latina/os
3 Latina/o Social Thought
4 Historical and Contemporary Latina/o Immigration
5 The Demography of Latina/os
6 Gender and Sexuality
7 Political Engagement
8 The Latina/o Arts
9 Education
10 Work and Ecomomic Life
11 Families
12 Religion
13 Health and Health Care
14 Crime and Victimization
15 Mass Media
16 Conclusions
Sobre o autor
Rogelio Sáenz is Professor of Sociology and Demography at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Maria Cristina Morales is Professor of Sociology at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Coda Rayo-Garza is a Ph.D. candidate in Applied Demography at the University of Texas at San Antonio.