Autor: Rohit Kumar

Prof. Rajeev K. Puri is working as Professor of Physics at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. He obtained his Ph.D from Panjab University and then was a post-doctoral fellow at the Institut fur  Theoretische  Physik,   Universitaet  Tubingen, Germany and at the Laboratoire de Physique  Nucleaire, Universite de Nantes,  France. He has around 400 publications in journals and conferences to his credit with citations close to 6500.  He has also guided about 25 Ph.D students.  He has received prestigious awards like Scientist of the Year; Himachal Excellence Awards, S.N. Satyamurthy Memorial Award and Young Scientist Research award. He is an editor, member of editorial board, referee of about 47 journals.  He is also on the board of academic/advisory bodies of about dozen noted universities throughout India. Currently, he is also holding a position of University coordinator of RUSA (National Higher Education Mission), Panjab University.   Prof. Joerg Aichelin is presently serving as Distinguished Scientist (class exceptionnelle) at the University of Nantes, France. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg, and did his post-doctoral research at the Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA. He is a pioneer of theoretical nuclear physics at intermediate/high energies and his proposed n-body dynamical approach to identify fragment production in heavy-ion collisions is a benchmark in the field, which is widely used in the field of heavy-ion physics. He has numerous awards and honors to his credit like Fellow of Institute of Physics, London (2004); Member of Academia Europe (2010-), Spokesperson of a European Network of 20 European theoretical laboratories (2003-), Member of the Program Advisory Committee of the Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung (GSI) Darmstadt (2004-09), President of the Committee for financing the nuclear/high energy theory in France (2012-16) and many more. He has 239 publications in various reputed journals with over 8010 citations. Dr. Sakshi Gautam is currently serving as Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. She obtained her B.Sc. (Hons. School Physics), M.Sc. (Hons. School Physics) as well as Ph.D from Panjab University.  She was a Gold medalist both at the bachelor”s and master”s level.  Her major areas of research are theoretical nuclear physics at intermediate energies and computational physics. She has around 80 publications in journals and conferences of International/national repute. She has successfully completed three research projects till date as principal/co-investigator and delivered numerous talks at symposia/workshops/conferences. She is in the reviewers panel of seven international journals. She was awarded the SERC-Fast Track Fellowship for Young Scientists in 2014. Dr. Rohit Kumar obtained his Ph.D in theoretical nuclear physics from Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. He is currently working as a Research Associate at the Physics Department, Panjab University. His primary research interest is to study the fragment production and its associated dynamics at intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions. He has a number of research papers to his credit and has delivered talks in various conferences in India and abroad.

10 Ebooks por Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar: Machine Learning and Cognition in Enterprises
Learn about the emergence and evolution of IT in the enterprise, see how machine learning is transforming business intelligence, and discover various cognitive artificial intelligence solutions that …
Rohit Kumar: A computer-aided approach for gating system design for multi-cavity dies
Master’s Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Engineering – Mechanical Engineering, grade: 8, , language: English, abstract: This work presents a system that would help in automatic design of mul …
Rohit Kumar & Ashok K. Rathoure: Developmental Biology (Understanding The Embryological Origins)
A scientific approach to explaining development of the embryo started with Hippocrates in Greece in the 5th century BC. Using the ideas current at that time, he tried to explain development in terms …
Rajeev K. Puri & Joerg Aichelin: Advances in Nuclear Physics
This volume comprises select peer-reviewed papers from the Indo-French Workshop on Multifragmentation, Collective Flow, and Sub-Threshold Particle Production in Heavy-Ion Reactions held at the D …
L K Awasthi & Rohit Kumar: Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems: A Comprehensive Guide explores the complete sys-tem perspective, underlying theories, modelling, and the applications of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). It aims to cover all top …
L K Awasthi & Rohit Kumar: Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems: A Comprehensive Guide explores the complete sys-tem perspective, underlying theories, modelling, and the applications of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). It aims to cover all top …
Rohit Kumar: How Stimulus-responsive Extracellular Vesicle Release is Regulated and Associated to Lewy body disease
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2021 in the subject Biology – Neurobiology, grade: N/A, Technical University of Munich (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)), language: En …
Priya Awasthi & Rohit Kumar: Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops
This book is an informative introduction to the post-harvest technology of horticultural crops, and their conservation and management. The different post-harvest handling operations including storage …
Priya Awasthi & Rohit Kumar: Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops
This book is an informative introduction to the post-harvest technology of horticultural crops, and their conservation and management. The different post-harvest handling operations including storage …