The Belief Work Work Book is a self-help book that sheds light on core beliefs that are subconsciously driving everything we think and do. Identifying core beliefs can free us from them and the issues they cause. Learn how to take back your life from systems and structures and restore it into your own hands.
Tried and true methods of healing are explored and integrated into a user-friendly, step-by-step format.
You will learn:
All about the nonphysical world of energy.
How beliefs are created and how they can be changed.
How to better understand yourself, your family, and your loved ones.
New tools for healing from these root causes from childhood.
Why people believe what they believe.
The gift of life force energy is yours to create the life you want. Integrating conscious awareness of what is driving your decisions and mood state allow the rays of life force sun to stream into your heart.
It is my wish that your life become yours to live as you desire.
Tabela de Conteúdo
My First Teachers
What You Will Learn
The Foundation
The Belief Work Process
Strategies and Healing Modalities to Apply to Your Life
How to Use This Book
Part 1: The Foundation
What Is Energy?
Thoughts and Beliefs
Physical Body
Intuition Defined
Calming the Mind
Feeling Safe
Part 2: The Belief Work Process
Step 1: Readiness Checklist
Step 2: The Role of Emotions
Step 3: Affirmations
Step 4: Taking Stock
Step 5: Organizing Your Findings
Step 6: The Belief Work Techniques
Step 7: New Beliefs and Best Practices
Step 8: The Basic Script
Scripts for Everyday Life
Calming the Mind
Consciously Creating
Empaths, Old Souls, and Ascension
Confidence and Self-Esteem
Community, World, and Universe
Part 3: Strategies and Healing Modalities
Energy Hygiene
The New Health Paradigm
Taking Back Your Power
Being Selfish
Childhood Trauma
Lyme Disease
Parenting a Child with Chronic Symptoms
Old Health Paradigm Beliefs
New Health Paradigm Beliefs
Faith and Religion
Letting Go of Responsibility
Red Flags for Feeling Responsible
The Rising of the Woman Inside You
Day Planner
Strategic Plan
Soothing and Calming the Mind
In Appreciation
About the Author