For millenia, urban networks have shaped the development of human societies. Today, new archaeological approaches are unveiling the evolution of these networks in unprecedented detail. Urban Networks Evolutions reviews the new approaches to urban evolution as archaeology endeavours to characterise both the scale and pace of historical events and processes. Issuing from the work of the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence, the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (Urb Net), the book compares the archaeology of urbanism from medieval Northern Europe to the Ancient Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean World. The 40 contributors demonstrate how new techniques for refining archaeological dates, contexts, and the provenance ascribed to material culture, afford a new high-definition approach to the study of global and interregional dynamics. This opens up for far-reaching questions as to how and to what extent urban networks catalysed societal and environmental expansions and crises in the past.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Acknowledgements by the editors INTRODUCTION Urban network evolutions: Exploring dynamics and flows through evidence from urban contexts
Rubina Raja & Soren M. Sindb Aek ROME AND ITS CITIES A high-definition approach to the Forum of Caesar in Rome: Urban archaeology in a living city
Jan Kindberg Jacobsen & Rubina Raja Burial and birds in pre-urban Rome
Nora M. Petersen Caesars Forum: Excavating Italian Iron Age
Sine Grove Saxkj Aer & Gloria Paola Mittica The Archaic period on the Forum of Caesar: The urbanisation of early Rome
Nikoline Sauer Petersen A space for Caesar: The heart of Rome and urban development
Line Egelund Caesars, shepherds and cities
Trine Arlund Hass Doliche and the exploration of Graeco-Roman urbanism in ancient Greater Syria
Michael Blomer Public spaces and urban networks in the Roman Empire: Messene in the Peloponnese as an example of an approach
Christopher Dickenson PALMYRA: THE URBAN DESERT Urbanizing the desert : Investigating the diversity of urban networks through the images of deceased Palmyrenes
Rubina Raja Behind the scenes: Cataloguing as a tool for exploring urban networks
Olympia Bobou & Rikke Randeris Thomsen Producing funerary portraits: An urban tradition in the Syrian Desert
Julia Steding The urbanization of Palmyra: The dynamics of the family cemeteries
Signe Krag JERASH: FROM ROMAN TO ISLAMIC CITY Urban networks and dynamics seen through urban peripheries: The case of Gerasa on the golden river
Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina Raja Mortar and plaster production in Jerash: Changingaperspective from macro to micro
Kristine Damgaard Thomsen Small change in big cities: Characterising the development of everyday coinage in Jerash
Thomas Birch & Vana Orfanou River archaeology and urban resilience in Jerash
Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina Raja Urban networks seen through ceramics: Formal modelling approaches to pottery distribution in Jerash
Iza Romanowska, Tom Brughmans, Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina Raja Medieval Jerash: Investigating the pottery of a Middle Islamic hamlet in the Northwest Quarter
Alex Peterson Travellers and early urban archaeology in the Levant: The case of Jerash
Eva Mortensen Archaeoseismology in Jerash: Understanding urban dynamics through catastrophic events
Christian Svejgard Lunde Jorgensen RIBE: GATEWAY TO THE VIKING AGE Northern Emporium: The archaeology of urban networks in Viking-Age Ribe
Soren M. Sindb Aek 3D scanning as documentation and analytical tool: First field experiences at the Northern Emporium excavation project, Ribe
Sarah Croix Geoarchaeology and micromorphology at Ribe: A Northern Emporium in high definition
Barbora Wouters Geoarchaeology of the early northern cities: Microscopic and geochemical investigations of urban spaces in Denmark
Pernille LAerke Krantz Trant Viking-Age metals and urbanisation: The case of Ribe in Denmark
Vana Orfanou & Thomas Birch A new calibration curve for improved radiocarbon dating of urban contexts
Bente Philippsen & Mikkel Fristrup Schou Missing links: Viking-Age silver rings and urban networks
Mahir Hrnjic THE MAKING OF MEDIEVAL URBANITY An urban way of life: How to approach the study of networks and practices in medieval Odense, Denmark
Kirstine Haase Towards the making of a town: Urbanity as practice and way of life in medieval Copenhagen
Hanna Dahlstrom The chronology of two medieval cemeteries in central Copenhagen: Bayesian modelling and archaeo logical relative age information
Jesper Olsen, Bjorn Poulsen & Hanna Dahlstrom Trade, import and urban development: An archaeobotanical approach to economic change in medieval Denmark
Neeke M. Hammers Urbanisation and commercialisation on the periphery of medieval Europe
Olav Elias Gundersen High-definition urban fashion: Proteins reveal preferred resources for medieval leather shoes
Luise Orsted Brandt Interdisciplinary methods in town archaeology
Johan Sandvang Larsen Gardening and food security in early southern-Scandinavian urbanism: Existing evidence and the need for a high-definition approach
Soren M. Kristiansen SWAHILI EMPORIA: AFRICAN NETWORK CITIES Defining space in house contexts: Chemical mapping at Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar
Federica Sulas & Stephanie Wynne-Jones Iron production technologies and trade networks in Swahili East Africa
Ema Bauzyte Dating Kilwa Kisiwani: A thousand years of East African history in an urban stratigraphy
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Mark Horton, Jeffrey Fleisher & Jesper Olsen BETWEEN URBAN WORLDS Through the looking glass: Glass, high-definition archaeology and urban networks in the 8th century CE from North to South
Rubina Raja & Soren M. Sindb Aek About the authors