With the increasing role of porous solids in conventional and newly emerging technologies, there is an urgent need for a deeper understanding of fluid behaviour confined to pore spaces of these materials especially with regard to their transport properties. From its early years, NMR has been recognized as a powerful experimental technique enabling direct access to this information. In the last two decades, the methodological development of different NMR techniques to assess dynamic properties of adsorbed ensembles has been progressed. This book will report on these recent advances and look at new broader applications in engineering and medicine.
Having both academic and industrial relevance, this unique reference will be for specialists working in the research areas and for advanced graduate and postgraduate studies who want information on the versatility of diffusion NMR.
Tabela de Conteúdo
NMR under Confinement: Roots in Retrospect; Fundamentals of Diffusion Measurements using NMR; From the Microstructure to Diffusion NMR, and Back; Two-dimensional NMR of Diffusion and Relaxation; Transport in Structured Media: Multidimensional PFG-NMR Applied to Diffusion and Flow Processes; Real Time PGSE NMR Through Direct Acquisition of Averaged Propagators in the Time Domain Using Pulsed Second Order Magnetic Fields; NMR Methods for Studying Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy; Beyond the Limits of Conventional Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo (PGSE) Diffusometry: Generalization of the Magnetization-grating Principle; Probing Exchange and Diffusion in Confined Systems by 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy; Diffusive Dynamics in Porous Materials as Probed by NMR Relaxation-based Techniques; Industrial Applications of Magnetic Resonance Diffusion and Relaxation Time Measurements; Confined Fluids: NMR Perspectives on Confinements and on Fluid Dynamics; NMR and Complementary Approaches to Establishing Structure–Transport Relationships in Disordered Porous Solids; NMR Diffusometry for the Study of Energy-related Soft Materials; Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Brain Tissue; Surface Effect Dominates Water Diffusion at Nanoscopic Length Scales;