A handpicked crew of dykes board the Caledonian Sleeper bound for Glasgow. A couple wrestle with gender roles when their flat inventory includes a brand new baby. A young man's world expands with possibility in Barcelona, while lust mingles with faith and celebrity in verse. Curious and provocative, sometimes domestic, sometimes otherworldly, this collection of stories, poems and memoir provides a snapshot of Scotland’s queer community and LGBTI+ writing scene, and captures the variety of experiences that bind our community together.
The full Fierce Salvage line-up is: Adi Novak, Alyson Kissner, AW Earl, Cal Bannerman, Carrie Marshall, Ciara Maguire, Colin Herd, Colin Mc Guire, Elspeth Wilson, Ely Percy, Etzali Hernandez, Eve Brandon, Fraser Currie, Hannah Nicholson, Heather Parry, Jane Flett, Lakshmi Ajay, Len Lukowski, Mae Diansangu, Matthew Kinlin, Niamh Ní Mhaoileoin, Paul Brownsey, Pernina Jacobs, Rhys Pearse, River Mc Askill, Robbie Mac Leoid, Ross Mc Farlane, Samuel Goldie, Shane Strachan, Shola von Reinhold, Shona Floate, Suki Hollywood, Titilayo Farukuoye
Sobre o autor
Heather Parry is a Glasgow-based writer, editor, and publisher. She is the co-founder and Editorial Director of Extra Teeth magazine, co-host of the Teenage Scream podcast and the Scottish Senior Policy & Liaison Manager for the Society of Authors, a trade union for writers. In 2021 she created the free-access Illustrated Freelancer’s Guide with artist Maria Stoian. Her debut novel, Orpheus Builds a Girl, was published in October 2022 and a short story collection, This Is My Body, Given for You, is forthcoming in May 2023.