Image Processing and Communications represents an exciting and dynamic part of the information area. This book consists of 52 scientific and technical papers from 14 Nations, after a careful selection performed by many international reviewers. The papers are conveniently grouped into 6 chapters: – Computer Vision and Image Processing – Biometric – Recognition and Classification – Biomedical Image Processing – Applications – Communications. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic, presents results, and points out challenges and future directions.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Computer Vision and Image Processing.- Earliest Computer Vision Systems in Poland.- VICAL: Visual Cognitive Architecture for Concepts Learning to Understanding Semantic Image Content.- Implementation of Computer Vision Algorithms in Direct Show Technology.- Implementation of Hurwitz-Radon Matrices in Shape Representation.- Video Quality Assessment Using the Combined Full-Reference Approach.- An Improved Self-embedding Algorithm: Digital Content Protection against Compression Attacks in Digital Watermarking.- Generation of View Representation from View Points on Spiral Trajectory.- Gradient Based Edge Detection in Various Color Spaces.- Improve Vector Quantization Strategy.- Biometric.- Knuckle Biometrics for Human Identification.- A New Method of Fingerprint Key Protection of Grid Credential.- Human Vein Pattern Segmentation from Low Quality Images – A Comparison of Methods.- A Modified Algorithm for User Identification by His Typing on the Keyboard.- Multimodal Biometric Personal Authentication Integrating Iris and Retina Images.- Recognition and Classification.- Fusion Methods for the Two Class Recognition Problem – Analytical and Experimental Results.- Feature Type and Size Selection for Ada Boost Face Detection Algorithm.- 3D Morphable Models Application for Expanding Face Database Limited to Single Frontal Face Image Per Person.- A Partition of Feature Space Based on Information Energy in Classification with Fuzzy Observations.- Recognition of Signed Expressions Using Cluster-Based Segmentation of Time Series.- Extending 3D Shape Measurement with Reflectance Estimation.- Software Framework for Efficient Tensor Representation and Decompositions for Pattern Recognition in Computer Vision.- Hand Shape Recognition in Real Images Using Hierarchical Temporal Memory Trained on Synthetic Data.- Performance Comparison among Complex Wavelet Transforms Based Face Recognition Systems.- Biomedical Image Processing.- The Method of Immunohistochemical Images Standardization.- The Usefulness of Textural Features in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis.- Noise Influance Reduction in Estimation of CBF, CBV and MTT, MRI Perfusion Parameters.- Interpretation of the Sequences of Magnetocardiographical Images Based on Flow of Electrical Impulses through Human Heart.- Automatic Left Ventricle Segmentation in T2 Weighted CMR Images.- Research of Muscular Activity during Gait of Persons with Cerebral Palsy.- Automated Recognition of Abnormal Structures in WCE Images Based on Texture Most Discriminative Descriptors.- Augmented Reality Interface for Visualization of Volumetric Medical Data.- Biomedical Computer Vision Using Computer Algebra: Analysis of a Case of Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis in a Diabetic Boy.- Applications.- Adaptive B-Spline Model Based Probabilistic Active Contour for Weld Defect Detection in Radiographic Imaging.- FONN-Based Affine-Invariant Image Recognition.- Coarse-Grained Loop Parallelization for Image Processing and Communication Applications.- SMAS – Stereovision Mobility Aid System for People with a Vision Impairment.- Extracting Symbolic Function Expressions by Means of Neural Networks.- Mathematical Morphology in the Process of Musical Notation Recognition.- GPU-Accelerated Object Tracking Using Particle Filtering and Appearance-Adaptive Models.- Application of Epipolar Rectification Algorithm in 3D Television.- Crack Detection on Asphalt Surface Image Using Local Minimum Analysis.- Eye Tracking System for Human Computer Interaction.- Communications.- Errors Nature in Indoors Low Power 433 MHz Wireless Network.- Using Google Earth for Visualization in FTTH Network Planning.- The Development of a Platform Based on Wireless Sensors Network and Zig Bee Protocol for the Easy Detection of the Forest Fire. A Case Study.- Mazovia Broadband Network (MBN Network). Case Study.- The Method of GMPLS Network Reliability Evaluation.- The Improved Least Interference Routing Algorithm.- Comparison of Modified Degree 6 Chordal Rings.- Evaluation of Measurement Based Admission Control Algorithms for IEEE 802.16 Networks in Simulations with L2S Physical Layer Abstraction and nb LDPC Codes.- The Gap between Packet Level Qo S and Objective Qo E Assessment of WWW on Mobile Devices.- Evaluation of Smoothing Algorithms for a RSSI-Based Device-Free Passive Localisation.- Performance Evaluation of ADS System Based on Redundant Dictionary.