Scandinavia prior to the tenth century is the region of romance, – of the wildest legends. These are admissible into the severe domain of history in so far only as they illustrate national opinions and manners, – the noblest part of the study. For this reason, chiefly, more have been retained in the present volume than are to be found in any preceding work on the subject. Indeed, were they rejected, nine tenths of northern history must be rejected with them.
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Scandinavia prior to the tenth century is the region of romance, – of the wildest legends. These are admissible into the severe domain of history in so far only as they illustrate national opinions and manners, – the noblest part of the study. For this reason, chiefly, more have been retained in the present volume than are to be found in any preceding work on the subject. Indeed, were they rejected, nine tenths of northern history must be rejected with them.