Innovative young philosophers present new research articles on a variety of contemporary issues including relation between language and thought, normativity of language, prospects for a naturalistic account of language, nature of linguistic understanding, semantics of proper names and expressive terms, a contemporary construal of analytic truth
Tabela de Conteúdo
Series Preface Notes on the Contributors Introduction; S.Sawyer Vagueness and Non-Indexical Contextualism; J.Åkerman & P.Greenough Semantics and the Place of Psychological Evidence; E.Borg Naturalism in the Philosophy of Language; or Why There is No Such Thing as Language; J.Collins Referring When Push-Comes-to-Shove; K.Edwards Semantic Normativity in Context; A.Hattiangadi Literal Force: A Defence of Conventional Assertion; M.Kölbel A Plea for Understanding; G.Longworth From the Expressive to the Derogatory: On the Semantic Role for Non-Truth-Conditional Meaning; S.Predelli Analyticity in Externalist Languages; G.Russell The Modified Predicate Theory of Proper Names; S.Sawyer Introduction, Transmission, and the Foundations of Meaning; J.Speaks Linguistic Puzzles and Semantic Pretence; J.A.Woodbridge& B.Armour-Garb Index
Sobre o autor
JONAS ÅKERMAN Ph D student in Theoretical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University, Sweden BRAD ARMOUR-GARB Associate Professor of Philosophy, University at Albany-SUNY, USA, and a Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford, UK EMMA BORG Professor of Philosophy at University of Reading, UK JOHN COLLINS Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of East Anglia, UK KEVAN EDWARDS Assistant Professor at Syracuse University, USA PATRICK GREENOUGH Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of St. Andrews, UK and an Associate Fellow of Arché ANANDI HATTIANGADI Lecturer in Philosophy at Oxford University and Fellow of St Hilda’s College, UK MAX KÖLBEL ICREA Research Professor, Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Barcelona, Spain GUY LONGWORTH Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Warwick, UK STEFANO PREDELLI Professor of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, UK GILLIAN RUSSELL Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Washington University in St Louis, USA JEFF SPEAKS Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, USA JAMES A. WOODBRIDGE Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA