Autor: Sabine Klocke-Daffa

Arne S. Steinforth is Lecturer at the Department of Anthropology at York University, Toronto, Canada. Previously, he has been Senior Research Fellow at the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” at the University of Münster, Germany. His research and prior publications focus on issues of mental disorder and society as well as power, politics, and cosmology in Southern Africa. Sabine Klocke-Daffa is Senior Researcher at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Tübingen, Germany. She has been Deputy Professor at various German universities and is a principal investigator of the Tübingen Collaborative Research Center “Resource Cultures”, funded by the German Research Foundation. She has done intensive research in Southern Africa focusing on social, political, and religious issues.  ​

3 Ebooks por Sabine Klocke-Daffa

Gabriele Alex & Sabine Klocke-Daffa: Sex and the Body
Sexualität und Geschlechtlichkeit sind Gegenstand kultureller Sinngebung. Das hierzulande nicht nachlassende Interesse an der Geschlechterdifferenz und den damit verknüpften Diskursen und Praktiken v …
Sabine Klocke-Daffa: Angewandte Ethnologie
Die Beiträge des Buches leiten umfassend in die Angewandte Ethnologie ein und schlagen damit eine Brücke zwischen Forschung und Anwendung. Mehr als 40 Ethnolog*innen aus über 30 Hochsc …
Arne S. Steinforth & Sabine Klocke-Daffa: Challenging Authorities
When the notion of ‘alternative facts’ and the alleged dawning of a ‘postfactual’ world entered public discourse, social anthropologists found themselves in unexpectedly familiar territory. In theire …