The first systematic reference on the topic with an emphasis on the characteristics and dimension of the reinforcement.
This first of three volumes, authored by leading researchers in the field from academia, government, industry, as well as private research institutions around the globe, focuses on macro and micro composites.
Clearly divided into three sections, the first offers an introduction to polymer composites, discussing the state of the art, new challenges, and opportunities of various polymer composite systems, as well as preparation and manufacturing techniques. The second part looks at macro systems, with an emphasis on fiber reinforced polymer composites, textile composites, and polymer hybrid composites. Likewise, the final section deals with micro systems, including micro particle reinforced polymer composites, the synthesis, surface modification and characterization of micro particulate fillers and flakes as well as filled polymer micro composites, plus applications and the recovery, recycling and life cycle analysis of synthetic polymeric composites.
Tabela de Conteúdo
The Editors XXIII
Preface XXV
List of Contributors XXVII
Part One Introduction to Polymer Composites 1
1 Advances in Polymer Composites: Macro- and Microcomposites – State of the Art, New Challenges, and Opportunities 3
Josmin P. Jose, Sant Kumar Malhotra, Sabu Thomas, Kuruvilla Joseph, Koichi Goda, and Meyyarappallil Sadasivan Sreekala
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Classification of Composites 4
1.3 Interface Characterization 14
1.4 New Challenges and Opportunities 15
References 16
2 Shock and Impact Response of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 17
Vikas Prakash
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Analytical Analysis 20
2.3 Plate-Impact Experiments on GRPs 33
2.4 Target Assembly 42
2.5 Experimental Results and Discussion 42
2.6 Summary 76
References 78
3 Interfaces in Macro- and Microcomposites 83
Haeng-Ki Lee and Bong-Rae Kim
3.1 Introduction 83
3.2 Characterization of Interfaces in Macro- and Microcomposites 85
3.3 Micromechanics-Based Analysis 87
3.4 Interfacial Damage Modeling 94
3.5 Summary 100
References 101
4 Preparation and Manufacturing Techniques for Macro- and Microcomposites 111
Tibor Czigány and Tamás Deák
4.1 Introduction 111
4.2 Thermoplastic Polymer Composites 111
4.3 Thermosetting Polymer Composites 123
4.4 Future Trends 133
References 133
Part Two Macrosystems: Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 135
5 Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites: Preparation, Properties, and Applications 137
Soo-Jin Park and Min-Kang Seo
5.1 Introduction 137
5.2 Backgrounds 138
5.3 Experimental Part 143
5.4 Results and Discussion 153
5.5 Applications 176
5.6 Conclusions 179
References 180
6 Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 185
Sebastian Heimbs and Björn Van Den Broucke
6.1 Introduction 185
6.2 Chemical Composition and Types 186
6.3 Fabrication of Glass Fibers 188
6.4 Forms of Glass Fibers 190
6.5 Glass Fiber Properties 192
6.6 Glass Fibers in Polymer Composites 196
6.7 Applications 202
6.8 Summary 204
References 205
7 Kevlar Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 209
Chapal K. Das, Ganesh C. Nayak, and Rathanasamy Rajasekar
7.1 Introduction 209
7.2 Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 210
7.3 Constituents of Polymer Composites 210
7.4 Kevlar Fiber 211
7.5 Interface 212
7.6 Factors Influencing the Composite Properties 214
7.7 Surface Modification 218
7.8 Synthetic Fiber-Reinforced Composites 220
7.9 Effect of Fluorinated and Oxyfluorinated Short Kevlar Fiber on the Properties of Ethylene Propylene Matrix Composites 222
7.10 Compatibilizing Effect of MA-g-PP on the Properties of Fluorinated and Oxyfluorinated Kevlar Fiber-Reinforced Ethylene Polypropylene Composites 230
7.11 Properties of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Composites with Surface-Modified Short Kevlar Fiber 238
7.12 Study on the Mechanical, Rheological, and Morphological Properties of Short Kevlar Fiber/s-PS Composites Effect of Oxyfluorination of Kevlar 246
7.13 Effect of Fluorinated and Oxyfluorinated Short Kevlar Fiber Reinforcement on the Properties of PC/LCP Blends 250
7.14 Simulation of Fiber Orientation by Mold Flow Technique 257
7.15 Kevlar-Reinforced Thermosetting Composites 270
References 272
8 Polyester Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 275
Dionysis E. Mouzakis
8.1 Introduction 275
8.2 Synthesis and Basic Properties of Polyester Fibers 277
8.3 Polyester Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 282
8.4 Conclusions 287
References 288
9 Nylon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 293
Valerio Causin
9.1 Introduction 293
9.2 Nylon Fibers Used as Reinforcements 294
9.3 Matrices and Applications 299
9.4 Manufacturing of Nylon-Reinforced Composites 305
9.5 Conclusions 311
References 311
10 Polyolefin Fiber- and Tape-Reinforced Polymeric Composites 315
József Karger-Kocsis and Tamás Bárány
10.1 Introduction 315
10.2 Polyolefin Fibers and Tapes 315
10.3 Polyolefin-Reinforced Thermoplastics 321
10.4 Polyolefin Fiber-Reinforced Thermosets 327
10.5 Polyolefin Fibers in Rubbers 329
10.6 Others 330
10.7 Outlook and Future Trends 330
References 331
11 Silica Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites 339
Sudip Ray
11.1 Introduction 339
11.2 Silica Fiber: General Features 339
11.3 Silica Fiber-Filled Polymer Composites 347
11.4 Applications 358
11.5 New Developments 360
11.6 Concluding Remarks 361
References 361
Part Three Macrosystems: Textile Composites 363
12 2D Textile Composite Reinforcement Mechanical Behavior 365
Emmanuelle Vidal-Sallé and Philippe Boisse
12.1 Introduction 365
12.2 Mechanical Behavior of 2D Textile Composite Reinforcements and Specific Experimental Tests 366
12.3 Continuous Modeling of 2D Fabrics: Macroscopic Scale 373
12.4 Discrete Modeling of 2D Fabrics: Mesoscopic Scale 382
12.5 Conclusions and Future Trend 388
References 388
13 Three Dimensional Woven Fabric Composites 393
Wen-Shyong Kuo
13.1 Introduction 393
13.2 General Characteristics of 3D Composites 394
13.3 Formation of 3D Woven Fabrics 396
13.4 Modeling of 3D Woven Composites 407
13.5 Failure Behavior of 3D Woven Composites 412
13.6 Role of Interlacing Loops 428
13.7 Design of 3D Woven Composites 429
13.8 Conclusions 431
References 431
14 Polymer Composites as Geotextiles 435
Han-Yong Jeon
14.1 Introduction 435
14.2 Developments of Composite Geotextiles 443
14.3 Hybrid Composite Geotextiles 447
14.4 Performance Evaluation of Composite Geotextiles 462
References 467
15 Hybrid Textile Polymer Composites 469
Palanisamy Sivasubramanian, Laly A. Pothan, M. Thiruchitrambalam, and Sabu Thomas
15.1 Introduction 469
15.2 Textile Composites 470
15.3 Hybrid Textile Composites 478
15.4 Hybrid Textile Joints 479
15.5 Conclusion 480
References 480
Part Four Microsystems : Microparticle-Reinforced Polymer Composites 483
16 Characterization of Injection-Molded Parts with Carbon Black-Filled Polymers 485
Volker Piotter, Jürgen Prokop, and Xianping Liu
16.1 Introduction 485
16.2 Injection-Molded Carbon-Filled Polymers 486
16.3 Processes and Characterization 488
16.4 Mechanical Property Mapping of Carbon-Filled Polymer Composites by TPM 501
16.5 Conclusions 512
References 512
17 Carbon Black-Filled Natural Rubber Composites: Physical Chemistry and Reinforcing Mechanism 515
Atsushi Kato, Yuko Ikeda, and Shinzo Kohjiya
17.1 Introduction 515
17.2 3D-TEM Observation of Nanofiller-Loaded Vulcanized Rubber 517
17.3 Materials: CB-Filled Sulfur-Cured NR Vulcanizates 518
17.4 Relationship Between the Properties of CB-Filled Sulfur-Cured NR Vulcanizates and CB Loading 519
17.5 CB Dispersion and Aggregate/Agglomerate Structure in CB-Filled NR Vulcanizates 529
17.6 Conclusions 538
References 540
18 Silica-Filled Polymer Microcomposites 545
Sudip Ray
18.1 Introduction 545
18.2 Silica as a Filler: General Features 545
18.3 Silica-Filled Rubbers 552
18.4 Silica-Filled Thermoplastics and Thermosets 569
18.5 Concluding Remarks 571
References 572
19 Metallic Particle-Filled Polymer Microcomposites 575
Bertrand Garnier, Boudjemaa Agoudjil, and Abderrahim Boudenne
19.1 Introduction 575
19.2 Metallic Filler and Production Methods 576
19.3 Achieved Properties of Metallic Filled Polymer 577
19.4 Main Factors Influencing Properties 585
19.5 Models for Physical Property Prediction 593
19.6 Conclusion 606
References 606
20 Magnetic Particle-Filled Polymer Microcomposites 613
Natalie E. Kazantseva
20.1 Introduction 613
20.2 Basic Components of Polymer Magnetic Composites: Materials Selection 614
20.3 Overview of Methods for the Characterization of Materials in the Radiofrequency and Microwave Bands 621
20.4 Magnetization Processes in Bulk Magnetic Materials 628
20.5 Magnetization Processes in Polymer Magnetic Composites 641
20.6 Polymer Magnetic Composites with High Value of Permeability in the Radiofrequency and Microwave Bands 651
20.7 Conclusions 668
References 669
21 Mica-Reinforced Polymer Composites 673
John Verbeek and Mark Christopher
21.1 Introduction 673
21.2 Structure and Properties of Mica 674
21.3 Mechanical Properties of Mica–Polymer Composites 677
21.4 Thermal Properties 693
21.5 Other Properties 696
21.6 Modeling of Mechanical Properties 700
21.7 Conclusions 709
References 709
22 Viscoelastically Prestressed Polymeric Matrix Composites 715
Kevin S. Fancey
22.1 Introduction 715
22.2 Preliminary Investigations: Evidence of Viscoelastically Generated Prestress 716
22.3 Time–Temperature Aspects of VPPMC Technology 719
22.4 VPPMCs with Higher Fiber Content: Mechanical Properties 729
22.5 Processing Aspects of VPPMCs 733
22.6 Mechanisms for Improved Mechanical Properties in VPPMCs 737
22.7 Potential Applications 740
22.8 Summary and Conclusions 742
References 744
Part Five Applications 747
23 Applications of Macro- and Microfiller-Reinforced Polymer Composites 749
Hajnalka Hargitai and Ilona Rácz
23.1 Introduction 749
23.2 Some Features of Polymer Composites 749
23.3 Transportation 750
23.4 Biomedical Applications 757
23.5 Civil Engineering, Construction 760
23.6 Electric and Electronic Applications 767
23.7 Mechanical Engineering, Tribological Applications 769
23.8 Recreation, Sport Equipments 772
23.9 Other Applications 780
23.10 Conclusion 784
References 784
Index 791
Sobre o autor
Sabu Thomas is a Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at Mahatma Gandhi University (India). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences. Thomas has published over 300 papers in peer reviewed journals on his polymer composite, membrane separation, polymer blend and alloy, and polymer recycling research and has edited three books.
Kuruvilla Joseph is a Reader at St. Berchmans’ College (India). He has held a number of visiting research fellowships and has published ca. 50 papers on polymer composites and blends.
S. K. Malhotra is Chief Design Engineer and Head of the Composites Technology Centre at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He has published over 100 journal and proceedings papers on polymer and alumina-zirconia composites.
Koichi Goda is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Yamaguchi University. His major scientific fields of interest are reliability and engineering analysis of composite materials and development and evaluation of environmentally friendly and other advanced composite materials.
M. S. Sreekala is a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology at Cochin University of Science and Technology (India). She has published over 30 papers on polymer composites (including biodegradable and green composites) in peer reviewed journals and has held a number of Research Fellowships, including those from the Humboldt Foundation and Japan Society for Promotion of Science.