The California Current System is one of the best studied ocean regions of the world, and the level of oceanographic information available is perhaps only surpassed by the northeast and northwest Atlantic. The current literature (later than 1993) offers no comprehensive, integrated review of the regional fisheries oceanography of the California Current System.
This volume summarizes information of more than 60-year California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (Cal COFI). While providing a large bibliography, the intent was to extract themes relevant to current research rather than to prepare a compendious review of the literature.
The work presents a useful review and reference point for multidisciplinary fisheries scientists and biological oceanographers new to working in the California Current System, and to specialists wishing to access information outside their core areas of expertise. In addition, the first editioin published in 2014 aimed to deliver an up to date reference to the current state of knowledge of fisheries oceanography in the California Current System.
The second edition adds some new sections, and data visualizations. The most important new material is included in the perspectives on Cal COFI chapter. New vignettes have been added for Reuben Lasker, Ed Brinton, Abraham Fleminger, Elizabeth Venrick, and Andrew Leising. The vignette for Noelle Bowlin has been updated to reflect her position as the current NOAA lead for the Cal COFI program, and a vignette has also been added for Sam Mc Clatchie.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Chapter 1. Introduction to the fisheries and the surveys.- Chapter 2. Oceanography of the southern California Current System relevant to fisheries.- Chapter 3. Classic Cal COFI.- Chapter 4. Scales of variability relevant to fisheries in the southern California Current System.- Chapter 5. Insights for fisheries from experimental and predation studies.- Chapter 6. Fisheries stock assessment, environmental variability, and Cal COFI.- Chapter 7. The new Cal COFI and fisheries.- Chapter 8. Perspectives on Cal COFI.
Sobre o autor
Sam Mc Clatchie’s research interests include variability and spatio-temporal trends of pelagic resources in relation to their environment, relationships between small-scale and mesoscale process and pelagic biota, and food webs.