Autor: Sandra Beyer


6 Ebooks por Sandra Beyer

Sandra Beyer: La Revolucion Mexicana en Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo
Seminar paper del año 2002 en eltema Romanística – Estudios latinoamericanos, Nota: 1, San Francisco State University (Spanish Department), Materia: Cumbres de la literatura hispanoamericana, Idioma: …
Sandra Beyer: The bridge that couldn’t be built – research project Golden Gate Bridge
Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject American Studies – Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 1 (A), San Francisco State University (Englsih Department), course: San Francisco, language: E …
Sandra Beyer: Linguistic analysis of the new vocabulary in Anthony Burgess’ ‘A Clockwork Orange’
Seminar paper from the year 2000 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Linguistics, grade: 2 (B), University of Tubingen (English Seminar), course: Introduction to English linguist …
Sandra Beyer: Homosexuality in ‘Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón’, ‘Laberinto de Pasiones’ and ‘Entre Tinieblas’ of the post-modern director Pedro Almodovar
Seminar paper from the year 2004 in the subject Romance Studies – Spanish Studies, grade: 1, 3 (A), Kingston University London (Spanish Institute), course: Spanish Cinema, language: English, abstract …
Sandra Beyer: Is the acquisition of a first grammar guided by an innate, grammar-specific device?
Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2005 in the subject Speech Science / Linguistics, grade: A-, University of London (School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture), course: Linguistic Anaky …
Sandra Beyer: Origins and development of language attitudes towards the Irish language in the Republic of Ireland
Master’s Thesis from the year 2005 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Linguistics, grade: 1, 3, Birkbeck, University of London, language: English, abstract: Abstract Given the e …