This book provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview on the established knowledge in the field of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as well as a current insight into new algorithms involving new diagnostic tools and new endoscopic and surgical techniques. The integration of these new findings in updated therapeutic decision making is demonstrated. The book reviews the latest literature on new diagnostic findings to better discriminate between different benign disorders of the esophagus and stomach. It describes the decision making to establish indications for the variety of established and new therapeutic options in the management of the disease. It also describes in detail new therapeutic techniques, which provides excellent back-up information for every clinician in daily practice.
Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a valuable resource for clinicians, surgeons, nurses, technicians, students and researchers with an interest in esophageal and upper GI- disease.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Definition and Pathophysiology of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.- Symptom-Spectrum in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.- Diagnostic Investigations in GERD.- Medical Therapy of GERD.- Indications for interventional and surgical Therapy in GERD.- Endoscopic therapy for GERD.- Surgical Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.- The Nissen Fundoplication.- The posterior partial Toupet Hemifundoplication.- Controversies Regarding Mesh Implantation for Hiatal Reinforcement in GERD and Hiatal Hernia Surgery.- Robotic Hiatal Hernia Repair.- Management of the Short Esophagus in GERD.- Overview and Management of para-esophageal Hernias.- Gastroesophageal Reflux after Sleeve Gastrectomy: Pathophysiology and Available Treatments.- Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation for the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.- Endostim Implantation.- Causes of Failures after Antireflux Surgery and Indications, Techniques and Results of laparoscopic Redo-Antireflux Procedures.
Sobre o autor
Santiago Horgan
University of California, San Diego
Center for the Future of Surgery
La Jolla, CA
Karl-Hermann Fuchs
University of California, San Diego
Center for the Future of Surgery
La Jolla, CA