Over the course of my career, Ive worked with countless women – young, old, fat, thin, confident, shy, happy, sad – who taught me a lot about how women view themselves. At a certain point on my spiritual path, I discovered my dharma, or purpose in life. I realized that I wanted to help others feel good about themselves. Its what comes naturally to me – Ive always been able to look at people and see beauty, and I wanted for women (and men) to recognize their own beauty. Feel Beauty Full: 7 Steps to Allowing Natural Beauty grew from that intention. I learned from one of my most influential teachers that it feels good to feel good. And when you feel good, you are beauty full.
Sobre o autor
As a personal stylist, Sarah Crowley has always had the intention of helping people feel good about themselves, inside and out. She and her husband live in Milwaukee with their 2 daughters, 2 dogs, and 2 cats.