To date, the majority of work in language learning psychology has focused on the learner. In contrast, relatively little attention has been paid to teacher psychology. This volume seeks to redress the imbalance by bringing together various strands of research into the psychology of language teachers. It consists of 19 contributions on well-established areas of teacher psychology, as well as areas that have only recently begun to be explored. This original collection, which covers a multitude of theoretical and methodological perspectives, makes a significant contribution to the emerging field of language teacher psychology as a domain of inquiry within language education.
Tabela de Conteúdo
About The Editors
About The Authors
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Zoltán Dörnyei: Foreword
Chapter 1. Sarah Mercer and Achilleas Kostoulas: Introduction to Language Teacher Psychology
Chapter 2. Phil Hiver, Tae-Young Kim and Youngmi Kim: Language Teacher Motivation
Chapter 3. Paula Kalaja and Katja Mäntylä: ‘An English Class of My Dreams’: Envisioning Teaching a Foreign Language
Chapter 4. Taguhi Sahakyan, Martin Lamb and Gary Chambers: Language Teacher Motivation: From the Ideal to the Feasible Self
Chapter 5. Manka M. Varghese: Drawing On Cultural Models and Figured Worlds to Study Language Teacher Education and Teacher Identity
Chapter 6. Wendy Li and Peter I. De Costa: Exploring Novice EFL Teachers’ Identity Development: A Case Study of Two EFL Teachers in China
Chapter 7. Anne Feryok: Language Teacher Cognition: An Emergent Phenomenon in an Emergent Field
Chapter 8. Mark Wyatt: Language Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs: An Introduction
Chapter 9. Jim King and Kwan-Yee Sarah Ng: Teacher Emotions and the Emotional Labour of Second Language Teaching
Chapter 10. Christina Gkonou and Sarah Mercer: The Relational Beliefs and Practices of Highly Socio-Emotionally Competent Language Teachers
Chapter 11. Jean-Marc Dewaele and Sarah Mercer: Variation in ESL/EFL Teachers’ Attitudes towards Their Students
Chapter 12. Cynthia J. White: Language Teacher Agency
Chapter 13. Joseph Falout and Tim Murphey: Teachers Crafting Job Crafting
Chapter 14. Phil Hiver: Teachstrong: The Power of Teacher Resilience for L2 Practitioners
Chapter 15. Achilleas Kostoulas and Anita Lämmerer: Making the Transition into Teacher Education: Resilience as a Process of Growth
Chapter 16. Tammy Gregersen and Peter D. Mac Intyre: Signature Strengths as a Gateway to Mentoring: Facilitating Emergent Teachers’ Transition into Language Teaching
Chapter 17. Rebecca L. Oxford, Andrew D. Cohen and Virginia G. Simmons: Psychological Insights from Third-Age Teacher Educators
Chapter 18. Mehvish Saleem: Exploring Language Teacher Psychology: A Case Study from a Holistic Perspective
Chapter 19. Achilleas Kostoulas and Sarah Mercer: Conclusions: Lessons Learnt, Promising Perspectives.
Sobre o autor
Achilleas Kostoulas taught English in schools in Greece before moving into language teacher education. He completed a Ph D at the University of Manchester, UK and now works in the Department of English Studies at the University of Graz, Austria, where he teaches courses in ELT and Applied Linguistics. His research interests focus on the psychology of language learning and teaching.