Autor: Sascha Dickel

Jan-Peter Ferdinand is a sociologist who currently works at the Institute for Ecological Economy Research and Technische Universität Berlin. His research addresses the nexus of emerging technologies and novel modes of distributed innovation, like e.g. the idiosyncrasies of community-based innovation or entrepreneurial dynamics in open source contexts. Ulrich Petschow is an economist and is head of the environmental economics and policy unit at the Institute of Ecological and Economic Research in Berlin. His research topics include the governance of new technologies, environmental policy and paths towards sustainable development, with a special focus on new collaborative models of consumption and production. He has participated in the publication of numerous books both as author and editor. Sascha Dickel is a sociologist and political scientist. As a senior researcher at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (TU Munich, Germany) he investigates techno-social transformations of communication, production, and culture. His current research areas are posthumanism, citizen science, making and engineering. For his Ph D thesis on technological utopianism Sascha Dickel received the Philosophical Book Award 2014. Since 2015 he is a member of the working group on additive manufacturing and 3D printing of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

7 Ebooks por Sascha Dickel

Jan-Peter Ferdinand & Ulrich Petschow: The Decentralized and Networked Future of Value Creation
This book identifies, analyzes and discusses the current trends of digitalized, decentralized, and networked physical value creation by focusing on the particular example of 3D printing. In addition …
Sascha Dickel: Jenseits der territorialen Differenzierung – Perspektiven der systemtheoretischen Gesellschaftstheorie auf den Zustand des internationalen Systems
Rezension / Literaturbericht aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich Politik – Allgemeines und Theorien zur Internationalen Politik, Note: 1.0, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Institut …
Nils B. Heyen & Sascha Dickel: Personal Health Science
Neue digitale Technologien erleichtern es zunehmend, persönliche gesundheitsbezogene Daten zu generieren, zu analysieren und zu kommunizieren. Immer mehr Menschen nutzen entsprechende Instrumente und …
Sascha Dickel & Martina Franzen: Herausforderung Biomedizin
Der biomedizinische Fortschritt wirft Fragen auf, die einer vertieften sozialwissenschaftlichen Reflexion bedürfen: Wie verschieben sich Menschenbilder und Krankheitskonzepte? Welche neuen Rollen von …
Sascha Dickel: Prototyping Society – Zur vorauseilenden Technologisierung der Zukunft
Prototypen wandern aus den Werkstätten in die Gesellschaft. Sie gelten nicht länger als defizitäre, weil unvollständige Objekte. Vielmehr wird gerade durch das Design des materiell Vorläufigen das ge …
Sabine Maasen & Sascha Dickel: TechnoScienceSociety
This book introduces the term of Techno Science Society to focus on the ongoing technological reconfigurations of science and society. It aspires to use the breadth of Science and Technology Studies …
Sabine Maasen & David Atwood: Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. R …