Scott La Counte is an author, a public librarian, an app developer, a book publisher, and a writing instructor at the Gotham Writers” Workshop. Under the name Scott Douglas, he wrote The N00b Warriors series and Quiet, Please: Dispatches from a Public Librarian. He lives in Anaheim, California.
Patrons increasingly expect access to their libraries anywhere, anytime. This Special Report provides practical guidance in how librarians can put the library in the palms of their patrons’ hands. Us …
Platform. It can make or break a writer. If you have it, then get ready for publishers to offer you contracts; and if you don’t? Let me kindly introduce you to the slush pile. Whether you are a write …
Google Drive has made the process of storing things online seamless. From storing photos and videos to files and documents, Google Drive can do it in just a few clicks. If you are new to the Cloud an …
Chances are you grew up a Word and Office user. Maybe you were a rebel and committed your herd to Open Office, or, dare I say, Word Perfect—but for the majority of people, our lives were loyal to Mic …
Are you ready to enter the cloud? Remember when you used to pay for things?! When computer software was almost as much as your new computer. Times have certainly changed! Today many companies are giv …
Goodbye Microsoft Word! Hello Google Docs! There’s a real good chance that you grew up in a Microsoft Word world. The first document you created were from the Office Suite. But if you are reading thi …
Say goodby to Word, and take your writing to the Cloud with Google Docs Like hundreds of millions of people, you probably lived your whole life using one-word processing tool: Microsoft Word. It’s gr …
Writing a 60, 000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy–just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely …
Writing a 60, 000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy–just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely …
Writing a 60, 000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy–just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely …
Writing a 60, 000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy–just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely …
Writing a 60, 000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy–just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely …
Writing a 60, 000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy–just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely …
Writing a 60, 000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy–just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely …
The stage was set in September 2018. It was i Phone’s big event. The day where journalist and Apple fans alike lusted over the latest and greatest i Phone. But a funny thing happened on the way to th …
The Apple Watch looks pretty snazzy, right? People have told you all about the cool features: like if you fall it will automatically call for help! But how do you use it?! It looks nothing like the i …
Die Weichen wurden im September 2018 ge-stellt. Es war das große Ereignis des i Phone. Der Tag, an dem Journalisten und Apple-Fans sich gleichermaßen nach dem neuesten und besten i Phone sehnten. Abe …
Google isn’t just for searching anymore! Google isn’t just a search engine anymore. It isn’t just an email provider. It’s a software suite of tools–from an operating system to productivity tools, Go …
Do you really understand who is coming to your website? If you have a website, then you have probably already heard all about rate, exit rate, organic search traffic, and more. They’re nice words, bu …
Google has changed the way businesses do work. If you are considering switching to using Google Apps and Chromebooks at your office, then this book will be your crash course! It covers how Chromebook …
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie als Word- und Office-Benutzer aufgewachsen sind. Vielleicht waren Sie ein Rebell und haben Ihre Herde für Open Office, oder, wie ich sagen möchte, …
Es besteht eine sehr gute Chance, dass Sie in einer Microsoft Word-Welt aufgewachsen sind. Das erste Dokument, das Sie erstellt haben, stammt aus der Office Suite. Aber wenn Sie dies lesen, dann sind …
Seit etwa 40 Jahren wird die Welt der Tabellenkalkulationen von einem König regiert: Microsoft Excel. Sicher, es gab weit entfernte Herausforderer, die versuchten, das Tier zu überholen – ich schaue …
Google Drive hat den Prozess der Speicherung von Dingen im Internet nahtlos gemacht. Von der Speicherung von Fotos und Videos bis hin zu Dateien und Dokumenten kann Google Drive dies mit nur wenigen …
Wie oft arbeiten Sie an einer Präsentation, zu der Sie absolut kein Feedback erhalten und keine Hilfe benötigen? Vielleicht sind Sie der Typ, der gerne etwas auf die Beine stellt und überhaupt …
Become a Google power searcher! There’s more to a Google search than meets the eye. On the surface, there’s not a lot to it. You type in what you are looking for, click search, and go through the res …
यदि आपके पास एक वेबसाइट है, तो आपने शायद पहले से ही रेट, एग्जिट रेट, आर्गेनिक सर्च ट्रैफ़िक और बहुत कुछ के बारे में सुना होगा। वे अच्छे शब्द हैं, लेकिन आप अपने विसिटर्स को समझने और अधिक प्राप्त करने …
Become a Google power searcher! There’s more to a Google search than meets the eye. On the surface, there’s not a lot to it. You type in what you are looking for, click search, and go through the res …
In 2014, Apple announced something called Car Play. At the time it wasn’t met with much fanfare because to play it, you needed a radio in your car that most people didn’t have. Today, many newer cars …
It used to be a few times a year Apple would take the stage and announce something that everyone’s head exploded over! The i Phone! The i Pad! The Apple Watch! The i Pod! That still happens today, bu …
Getting a new i Phone is exciting; it can almost feel like getting a new toy. Nobody likes a toy that makes you read a lengthy manual just to figure out how the darn thing works! If you’ve alre …
Unlock the power of Apple Watch! The Apple Watch has, of course, been around for years and seen several updates. It’s the latest updates, however, that have truly made the newest watches standout. Fr …
Apple Watch has become more than a companion device to the i Phone; it’s become a stand-alone device that is hard to live without. While the Series 3 Apple Watch may not be the newest version, it is …
The i Phone can be a little overwhelming. It seems to do everything! And that’s part of the problem—you don’t need to do everything. Of course you want to take stunning photos of the grandkids, but y …
The Apple Watch looks pretty snazzy, right? People have told you all about the cool features: like if you fall it will automatically call for help! But how do you use it?! It looks nothing like the i …
The Apple Watch looks pretty snazzy, right? People have told you all about the cool features: like if you fall it will automatically call for help! They’ve told you about how you can send a text from …
Take your idea to reality! Think for a moment. Think about that one time–or maybe one of several times–where you said, ‘You know what would make my job easier? This…’ Innovation doesn’t have to c …
UI and UX for the non-designer! Three years ago, I was in a predicament. I was in a Startup Accelerator (which is a business program for startups, which usually ends with you pitching your idea to in …
Take your presentations to the cloud! How many times do you work on a presentation that you will get absolutely no feedback on and want no help? Maybe you’re the type that likes to whip …
For 40-some-odd years, the world of spreadsheets has been ruled by one king: Microsoft Excel. Sure, there were far away challengers that tried to overtake the beast—I’m looking at you, Lotus 1-2-3—bu …
Email as a communication tool has been used since the 1960s. Commercial use of email is still relatively young. Today, email is dominated by one company: Google. Estimates show that over 50% of all p …
If you are like millions of people, then your first email was probably AOL, Juno, or Hotmail. Email as a communication tool, however, has been around since the 60s. Gmail is the most widely used prov …
Unleash the power of Google into your classroom! Are you going to start teaching with Google for the Classroom? Are you already teaching, but want to know more? This book is your crash course! In add …
Put Google into your school! Considering Google for Education at your school or district? Or you already have it, but want to understand it more? This book is your crash course! It covers the followi …
Every tech company wants to be in the business of education. It’s a powerful space—there’s always a need for people learning. While companies like Microsoft and Apple have competed in this space with …
Google can do pretty much anything–email, word processing, and even hardware. This book will walk you through how to use the most popular Google programs and hardware. It includes Chromebook, Gmail, …
The i Phone can be a little overwhelming. It seems to do everything! And that’s part of the problem—you don’t need to do everything. Of course you want to take stunning photos of th …
There are plenty of books promising to be some kind of missing manu-al, but there is no missing manual! There is a manual! You can find it on Ap-ple’s website. There are also plenty of books that see …
You just spent a good chunk of your life writing the book that you always knew you had in you, and now it’s time to publish it! But you’re an author, not a graphic designer, and you need an eye-catch …
You got and i Pad! Now how on Earth do you use the darn thing?! Do you really need a computer anymore? They’re clunky and even laptops aren’t as portable as they could be, and they don’t have touchsc …
So long i OS! Hello i Pad OS! Now how do you use it?! There’s a new operating system in town and it’s turning heads. I’m, of course, talking about i Pad OS. It’s Apple’s latest way of bringing Mac an …
You got Air Pods Pro! Now how do you use them?! In 2016, Apple released the Apple Air Pods–small, wireless headsets that pop into your ear with no cords whatsoever. The device was an instant hit. A …
You got Air Pods! Great! Congradulations! Now what?! If you haven’t noticed, there’s no manual in the box. Yes, there’s a little reference that quickly walks you through key features, but there’s not …
You got a Pixel phone! Awesome! Now how do you actually use the darn thing?! It’s Google vs. i Phone, and the wars are heating up with the Pixel 4 and 4 XL. After struggling early on to develop their …
Take control of your Pixel Camera! You phone sends text messages, makes phone calls, and even surfs the Internet–but who am I kidding?! You don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a phone to use it as a …
Take control of your smartphone camera! Take photos you didn’t think were possible! Remember when being an amateur photograph meant lugging around a heavy camera and multiple lenses? Times have certa …
You got a Mac! Welcome to the club! Now that the joy is over, it’s time to get serious: how on Earth do you use this thing?! Macs are obviously not Windows machines, so there’s a small le …
The Merchant of Venice is considered one of Shakespeare’s greatest comedies. So why aren’t you laughing! Shakespeare is a funny guy–when you can understand him; the problem is his plays were w …
Magic! Betrayal! Revenge! Sounds like a YA fantasy novel, right? If only Shakespeare wasn’t so Shakespeare! It’s not that Shakespeare is a bad writer–he’s obviously one of the greatest; the problem …
You know the story: a tale of star-crossed lovers. It’s timeless. It’s romantic. It’s tragic. It’s…confusing! If only Shakespeare wasn’t so Shakespeare, right?! It’s not that Shakespeare is a …
Like almost every good Shakespearean tragedy, King Lear packs a lot into the story: love, revenge, murder and, of course, scandal! What’s not to love! If only it wasn’t so…Shakespeare sounding! It’ …
A story about travelling through hell. Sounds thrilling, right? And it is! But it was also written hundreds of years ago…in another language. If you are struggling to get through Inferno or i …
You got the Apple Watch everyone is talking about! Awesome! But how do you use it?! You remember the good old days when a watch was a watch–except for the cool kids who had a calculator on their wat …
Welcome to the wonderful world of Chrome! Now how on Earth do you use it?! A laptop less than $300? That used to be unthinkable! Even more unthinkable was a computer that relied on an operating syste …
Fitbit has been around for less than 15 years, but it’s already built itself as one of the most trusted names in fitness accessories. This book is intended for new and returning users of Fitbit who w …
Track your goals! Get healthier! Everyone knows Apple Watch, but Fitbit has become a forgotten gem of sorts. A powerful fitness accessory when it launched over 10 years ago, but now overshadowed by A …
Du hast einen Mac gekauft! Willkommen im Club! Jetzt, da die anfängliche Freude vorbei ist, ist es an der Zeit, sich ernsthaft mit diesem Ding zu beschäftigen: Wie um alles in der Welt benutzt …
Wenn du den Laptop oder Computer gekauft hast oder einfach nur neugierig bist, mehr darüber zu erfahren, was Mac OS für dich tun kann, dann wirst du es in diesem Buch nachlesen können. Dieses Buch is …
Alcott’s Little Women is epic! Timeless! A tale for the ages! And a little hard to get through! If you want to understand Little Women, or just want a little refresher of what it is about, then this …
Create a Smart House With Google! The smart house has arrived. The days of buying from one company for your home security, another company for your thermostat, and still another for your doorbell cam …
Cut the Cable Cord! The streaming wars are here! If you want to watch the latest and greatest TV shows, put aside your cable box and plug in your streaming box! Apple TV is arguably the best streamin …
There’s never been a better time to learn. Several years ago, the word Edutainment was introduced—it’s the idea of learning through games and other activities. What better way to learn than the …
Are You Ready To Cut the Cable Cord? If you are like most people, then you are probably paying way too much for cable. And if you are like most people, you probably want to know if a media player lik …
Cut the Cord! The streaming wars are here! If you want to watch the latest and greatest TV shows, put aside your cable box and plug in your streaming box! Apple TV is arguably the best streaming devi …
Microsoft Word used to rule them all. It didn’t matter what computer or operating system you had—if you needed to type something, you used Word. Times have changed! Today there are many word processi …
Unleash the Power of Pages! Pages is powerful software, and if you get a Mac, it’s free. But let’s face it: you’ve probably spent most of your life using Word-or if you were a renegade, Word Perfect. …
Die Apple Watch gibt es natürlich schon seit Jah-ren und sie wurde mehrmals aktualisiert. Die neues-ten Aktualisierungen haben die aktuellen Uhren je-doch wirklich herausragend gemacht. Von stä …
Microsoft Power Point used to rule them all. It didn’t matter what computer or operating system you had—if you needed to present something, you used Power Point. Times have changed! Today there are m …
Unleash the Power of Keynote! Showing off your vacation slideshow or photo al-bum used to be boring. With Keynote for Mac, you can create a slideshow or photo album that will be fun to create and whi …
Moby Dick is quite a story–an adventure–man vs. nature! It’s often called one of the great American novels. Reading it should be a breeze, right? Not quite…at least for most! If you are strugglin …
Microsoft Office used to rule them all. It didn’t matter what computer or operating system you had—if you needed to type something, you used Office. Times have changed! Today there are ma …
Microsoft Excel used to rule them all. It didn’t matter what computer or operating system you had—if you needed to create a spreadsheet, you used Excel. Times have changed! Today, there are many spre …
i Work is powerful software, and if you get a Mac, it’s free. But let’s face it: you’ve probably spent most of your life using Office. For a Mac user, i Work can make your documents …
If you own a Mac, then the Safari browser is the default app for surfing the Internet. But how does it work and is it really worth using over other popular browsers? This book, which is based o …
The Internet was once ruled by two browsers: Netscape and Internet Explorer. In recent years, others have dominated Internet browsers—notably Chrome and Firefox. There is another popular option …
Google Chrome is used by an estimated 300 million people, and currently has about 40% of the browser market, which makes it the most popular Internet browser out there. 300 million is a lot—but that …
If you are like the majority of people, you probably use Google Chrome. It’s the most popular browser out there. Hundreds of millions of people use it. Using it to Google a funny meme is easy. But do …
New To Apple? This Book Can Help! If you are new to Apple, there’s a lot to learn! It’s easy, but even if you sit down and just try to figure things out on your own, you will probably miss a few thin …
Are Your Ready For Apple To Take Control of Your Classroom?! Apple has made a big push to get into the classroom. But if you are still new to Apple, you might be a little overwhelmed. This bundled co …
Unleash Apple For Your Business! Apple works nicely with other Apple products; deciding to make your entire business go Apple can be a smart decision, but also a challenge because not all employees w …
If you want to create a professional document like a resume or cover letter, then you know where to go: word processing software like Word or Pages. But what if you just want to create well-organized …
This massive 800+ book covers all of Apple’s most popular products including Apple TV, i Phone, Apple Watch, i Work, i Pad, Mac, and much more! If you’re new to Apple, then this book will help you ge …
Mac Book Air was once the lightweight computer that sent shock-waves through the technology industry! A computer so thin that it could actually fit in an envelope! How was that even possible. Over th …
You know what a Mac Book is, but chances are you spent most of your life with a Windows PC. While there is a learning curve, it’s not as hard as you’d think. And there are lots of advanta …
New to i Phone SE? This user guide has you covered! The i Phone SE is the newest (and cheapest) i Phone on the market. So it’s got to be a lemon, right? Only if you like lemonade! The i Phone S …
The next generation of i Phone SE has arrived! The i Phone SE is arguably the best budget phone you can buy. It takes stunning photos and videos, is incredibly thin, has an HD screen, and is fast! If …
Take your company virtual! Going into the office is so yesterday! Changing times has made it not only easy to work from home, but practical. If you are thinking about taking your company remote …
★★★ Bring your classroom online! ★★★ Teaching has never been easy. Taking your teaching online can complicate this. This book is not about how to make the switch and strategies to use in your classro …
★★★ Unlock all the features of your Galaxy phone ★★★ When it comes to popular phones, most people think about i Phone; that’s a shame because while Apple may dominate the headlines, when it comes to …
★★★ You got a Galaxy! Where’s the manual?! ★★★ Smartphones are great! When you know how to use them… But what if you are new to Galaxy? Perhaps you had another Android phone? Or an i Phone? Or mayb …
★★★ i OS 14 is here…now how do you use it?! ★★★ Each fall, a new i OS comes to i Phones everywhere and it is packed with features! This year is no different. Widgets, App Library, Picture in Pictur …
★★★ Are you ready to master i Phone SE? ★★★ The i Phone SE (Second Generation) is a phone that proves power and quality don’t have to be expensive. Packed into its thin body is a bril …
★★★ Are you ready to master i Phone SE? ★★★ The i Phone comes in lots of size, shapes, and budgets. The i Phone SE isn’t just i Phone’s budget phone…it’s one of the best phones of a …
★★★ Get started with the latest Apple Watch ★★★ Apple threw a curveball when it announced the latest watches. For the first time ever, it included an ‘SE’ model that was more affordably pri …
★★★ Learn how to use Apple Watch ★★★ Watch OS 7 is perhaps the biggest Watch OS update to date. While the UI looks similar to other previous updates, there is a lot packed into the OS.&#x …
★★★ Learn how to use Apple Watch Series 6 ★★★ Apple Watch Series 6 will keep you safe, healthy, and connected. It’s everything you love about your i Phone packed onto a device that fits aro …
★★★ Get to know the Apple SE ★★★ Imagine a watch so powerful it can track your sleep, make phone calls from your wrist, tell you the weather, track your health, call emergency responders if …
★★★ i Pad OS 14 is here…now how do you use it?! ★★★ Each Fall, a new i Pad OS comes to i Pads everywhere and it is packed with features! This year is no different. Widgets, Messages …
★★★ Two books bundled together ★★★ Apple’s latest generation of i Phones and Watches is here…now how do you use it! As with every other year, the annual software update is packed with resourceful t …
★★★ Two books bundled together ★★★ i OS and Watch OS will keep you safe, healthy, and connected. It sounds fantastic! But on Earth doo you use it?! If you have never used an Apple Watch or i Phone, t …
★★★ Two books bundled together ★★★ Apple’s latest generation of i Phones and Watches is here…now how do you use it! As with every other year, the annual software update is packed wit …
★★★ Two books bundled together ★★★ Together i Phone and i Pad can help you be more productive than ever…if you know how to use them! The i Pad and i Phone have both been around for seve …
★★★ Welcome to i Pad Air! ★★★ The newest i Pad Air is one of the most powerful tablets on the market. It’s ideal for gaming, photography, and video editing. Ideal, that is, if you can use it. If yo …
★★★ From new i Phone user to power user! ★★★ Getting an i Phone can be thrilling and intimidating all at once! On the one hand, it’s like getting a new toy-and one of the best phones money …
★★★ The future of i Pad is here! ★★★ i Pad used to be a fun gadget for casual web surfing; a lot has changed over the years. Today, many people are using i Pads instead of computers. …
★★★ i Phones are great! If you know how to use them! ★★★ The i Phone is arguably the best phone out there. Powerful. Takes great photos. And does just about everything. But easy to use? For …
★★★ Get started with Apple TV ★★★ Tired of paying too much for cable? Who can blame you? It’s time to get streaming! Apple TV is an investment, but can if you do it right, then you can ma …
★★★ Understand the Pixel 5 ★★★ Where other smartphone makers kind of go overboard, offering several different models, Google has tried a more minimal approach with the 2020 Pixel phone. T …
★★★ Learn the Pixel 5 ★★★ Pixel is one of the most impressive smartphones you can get-and it’s surprisingly cheaper than other comparable phones. That’s all great! Until you open the box …
★★★ Good things come in small packages. ★★★ 2020 will be remembered for many things. For Apple, it may come down to this: choices. There are more phone choices than ever for Apple users. …
★★★ Let’s get started with i Phone 12 Mini ★★★ Apple proved it can still pull off a surprise in 2020 when it unveiled the i Phone 12 Mini. It’s small, surprisingly affordable, and packed …
★★★ Surf the Internet with the Safari web browser ★★★ The Internet browser wars are heating up. No, this isn’t a history book of Netscape and Internet Explorer! This is about the browser …
★★★ Get started with the Safari browser ★★★ If you own a Mac, then the Safari browser is the default app for surfing the Internet. But how does it work and is it really worth using over o …
★★★ Switching from Windows to Mac? Let’s make this as easy as possible! ★★★ Big Sur adds some powerful new features to mac OS, which is fantastic news…if you know how to use them. If yo …
★★★ Learn how to use Mac Book Air ★★★ Mac Book Air was a revolutionary computer-so thin it was literally pulled from an enveloped when it was first announced years ago. That was years ago …
★★★ Get started with the future of Mac OS ★★★ Apple made one of its biggest updates in years to mac OS. It’s called Big Sur, and it’s feature packed-and more powerful than ever. This book …
★★★ Get started with the 2020 Mac Book Pro ★★★ Mac Book Pro is faster than ever! Awesome! But how do you use it? This book is intended for people who want to get started quickly. For that …
★★★ You got a Galaxy! Where’s the manual?! ★★★ The Galaxy is a powerful tablet. I’m sure you are excited to get the most out of it. But what if your all new to this tablet thing? Or maybe …
★★★ Get started with the Home Pod Mini ★★★ When the Home Pod launched in 2018, critics praised its sound quality while also questioning how it would ever compete in the competitive smart …
★★★ Say Goodbye to Cable ★★★ Almost everyone has or is thinking about cutting the cable cord. But it can be confusing. There are several options when it comes to media players…and once …
★★★ Get started with the 2020 Mac Mini ★★★ Apple made one of the biggest updates to Mac Mini in years in 2020. The new M1 chip makes it faster than ever-but how do you use it? This book i …
★★★ Unlock all the features of your Galaxy phone ★★★ Let’s face the facts: when it comes to tablets, most people think about i Pad; that’s a shame because while Apple may dominate the hea …
★★★ Explore Ubuntu OS ★★★ You’ve probably used Windows OS; maybe you’ve used Mac OS. But Linux? Linux has been around for years, but it’s still relatively unused by the masses. This isn’t t …
★★★ Discover how to use Word’s most popular features ★★★ There’s a good chance you grew up with a typewriter. Typewriters weren’t exactly feature creep. They c …
Das Samsung Z Galaxy Flip3 ist ein modisches Statement, eine technologische Innovation, die Zukunft, und, ja, alle altmodischen Smartphone Apps laufen darauf auch. Das Z Galaxy Flip kann das, was wir …
This book is designed with seniors in mind, offering a straightforward and accessible guide to mastering the Google Pixel 9. Whether you’re new to smartphones or upgrading from an older model, this b …
Explore mac OS Sequoia! mac OS Sequoia brings new features and enhanced performance to your Mac, making it more intuitive and efficient. Whether you’re a longtime Mac user or new to the Apple ecosyst …
Master Your Apple Watch: The Ultimate Guide for Seniors In today’s world, staying connected and taking care of your health has never been easier, thanks to the Apple Watch Series 10 and Ultra 2. Pair …
Whether you’re a Mac newbie or upgrading to the latest OS, this guide is designed to walk you through the essentials. For those seeking a comprehensive manual detailing every conceivable Mac function …
Mastering Your New i Phone: A Simple Guide to the i Phone 16 and i OS 18 Whether you’ve just upgraded to i OS 18 or have the brand-new i Phone 16 or i Phone 16 Pro in hand, this guide is here to help …
Understanding Apple Intelligence is your essential guide to the powerful AI features woven into i OS 18, i Pad OS 18, and mac OS Sequoia. This short book is designed for novice users, guiding them th …
Mastering the Samsung Galaxy S25 Series: Your Essential Guide Step into the future with the Samsung Galaxy S25 series -a lineup that pushes the boundaries of speed, innovation, and intelligent techno …
Master Your Samsung Galaxy S25 and Its Innovative One UI 7 Embark on a journey of discovery with your new Samsung Galaxy S25 , guided by this engaging and accessible book. Designed for both newcomers …