Seema Mundoli is a senior lecturer at Azim Premji University, India. She has worked with NGOs involved in conservation, mining, land and forest rights, and education in indigenous communities. Her recent work examines the relationship between people and nature in cities. In addition to research papers and popular rticles, she has co-edited State of the Environment 2005: Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
2 Ebooks por Seema Mundoli
Seema Mundoli & Harini Nagendra: Cities and Canopies
Native and imported, sacred and ordinary, culinary and floral, favourites of various kings and commoners over the centuries, trees are the most visible signs of nature in cities, fundamentally shapin …
Seema Mundoli & Harini Nagendra: Shades of Blue
For millennia, our cities have prospered and grown in the cradles of civilization-fertile lands blessed with rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. From the origins of life on earth, right down to its downf …