“As a student at Bristol University I became aware of two things. The first was my own brokenness and complete inability to fix myself. The second was, similarly, the brokenness of the world and its inability to fix itself. Both needed redemption and both needed a saviour. Both were in denial if they thought they could muddle through without one! I was fortunate enough to meet Christians who could explain to me both God’s plan for my redemption through the cross, and His plan for the redemption of the world through the Second Coming.
Both of these theologies amazed me. Firstly, that God should know my deep need and provide the exact remedy through His unconditional love on the cross. Secondly, that He should recognise the brokenness of the world and teach us the detail of how its redemption would occur.”
This refreshing and revealing study takes you on a timely scriptural tour of the major landmarks that precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.Sobre o autor
Simon Bennett has a wide range of ministry experience. He led Youth Reach SA, a ministry to township High Schools in Johannesburg from 2009 to 2018, and Touchstone Prison Ministry in the UK from 1998 to 2008. He presently lives in England with his wife, Natasha.