In 2020, the Vatican opened its archives for the pontificate of Pius XII (1939-1958), the pope that led the Catholic Church during WWII, the Holocaust, and the beginning of the Cold War. The Global Pontificate of Pius XII brings together historians who were among the first to consult the previously unseen Vatican materials. These long-awaited records allow for an expansion of the current historiography beyond the pope’s biography. Methodologically, the volume works to transcend the rigidity of religious history and engage with new approaches in global, transnational, and postcolonial history to re-introduce questions surrounding religion into modern post-war historiography.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction: Conservative Continuities and Roads to Reform in a Global Catholic Church
Simon Unger-Alvi and Nina Valbousquet
Part I: The Pope, the Archives
Chapter 1. Writing and Rewriting History: The Opening of the Vatican Archives for Pius XII’s Pontificate
Giovanni Coco
Chapter 2. Card. Eugenio Pacelli becomes Pius XII: the Mediatization of a Papal Election
Camilla Tenaglia
Chapter 3. The Saints of the Pope: Canonization and beatification in the age of Pius XII
Stefan Samerski
Part II: Peace, War and Genocide
Chapter 4. Anti-Jewish Prejudices, Anti-Semitism, Racism, and the Catholic Church’s Attitudes during the Shoah
Tommaso Dell’Era
Chapter 5. “Because the Jews are also prone to exaggeration” Or: Explanations for why Angelo Dell’Acqua’s appunto of 2 October 1942 was omitted from the “Actes et Documents”
Hubert Wolf, Jana Haack, Sascha Hinkel, Elisabeth-Marie Richter, Judith Schepers, Barbara Schüler
Chapter 6. The Local church, the Holy See and the rescue practices. The aids to the Jews during the Nazi-Fascist occupation of Florence (1943-1944)
Elena Mazzini and Francesca Cavarocchi
Chapter 7. The German Pope: Pius XII and German War Criminals
Suzanne Brown-Fleming
Part III: Postwar Reconstruction and Politics
Chapter 8. The Pontifical Assistance Commission: from WWII Rome to Postwar Italy
Alessandro Santagata
Chapter 9. Pius XII and Christian Democracy: Between Theology and Politics
Rosario Forlenza and Bjorn Thomassen
Chapter 10. The Condemnation of Worker-Priests and the Nuncio in Paris (1944–1953)
Marta Margotti
Chapter 11. Challenges and Dilemmas of the Papal Diplomacy in front of the Bolshevisation of Czechoslovakia (1945-1950)
Emilia Hrabovec
Chapter 12. Watching the Iron Curtain’s Descent: The Church of Austria and its Reactions to the Rise of the Communist Regimes in East Central Europe after the Second World War
Marion Dotter
Part IV: A Global Church in the Postwar Era
Chapter 13. The Holy See and the New World: Asia-Pacific (1945-1953)
Olivier Sibre
Chapter 14. The Vatican and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Humanitarianism, Diplomacy and Interreligious Relations
Maria Chiara Rioli
Chapter 15. Pius XII, the Salazar Regime, and the Colonial Question
Marialuisa Lucia Sergio
Chapter 16. Africanisation and Centralization: Roman Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Late Colonial Period (1930s-1950s)
Edouard Coquet
Conclusion: New Documents for a Revised History
Simon Unger Alvi and Nina Valbousquet
Sobre o autor
Nina Valbousquet is a historian and author of two monographs: Catholique et antisémite : Le réseau de Mgr Benigni (CNRS, 2020) and Les âmes tièdes. Le Vatican face à la Shoah (La Découverte, 2024). She is the editor of the special issue of the Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah on the Pius XII Archives and the Holocaust (2023) and the scientific curator of the exhibition on “The Churches and the Holocaust” at the Shoah Memorial in Paris (2022-2023). She is co-organizer of the Ecole Française de Rome 5-year research program and seminar on the Pius XII archives (2022-2026).