Autor: Siu Cheung Kong

Prof Siu Cheung Kong is currently a Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology and Director of the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, the Education University of Hong Kong. Prof Kong is also Editor-in-Chief of the international journals Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL) and Journal of Computers in Education (JCE).Dr Tak-Lam Wong received his Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the areas of information retrieval, machine learning and learning technologies. He has published papers in IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TKDE, ACM TOIS, etc. and is the current Chair of IEEE HK Section Computer Society Chapter. As a certified teacher, Dr Wong delivers professional development training courses for teachers.Dr Min Yang is an Assistant Professor in curriculum and instruction at the Education University of Hong Kong. Her primary research interests are in effective assessment and teaching strategies in higher education, as well as student experience and learning inside and outside the classroom. Her publications have appeared in several reputable international journals.Dr Cheuk Fai Chow is an Associate Professor at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and has been involved in environmental education and science for over a decade. He received a Croucher Foundation Fellowship and did his post-doctoral fellowship with Nobel laureate Jean Marie Lehn. He has published 50 international refereed journal papers and filed two patents.Dr Ka Ho Tse is an Associate Professor of Chinese Language Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). His main research interests are knowledge transfer for information technologies in language teaching, as well as the pedagogy of learning and teaching. Dr Tse is a former vice-chairman and current committee member of the Association of Modernization of Chinese Language Education.

2 Ebooks por Siu Cheung Kong

Kinshuk & Guang Chen: Emerging Issues in Smart Learning
This book provides an archival forum for researchers, academics, practitioners and industry professionals interested and/or engaged in the reform of the ways of teaching and learning through advancin …
Siu Cheung Kong & Tak Lam Wong: Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era
In this book, we put forward a holistic conceptual framework for implementing Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (So LT) in higher education. Unlike previous So LT studies, which usually focus on a …