Unparalleled in size and scope, this new major reference integrates academic and industrial knowledge into a single resource, allowing for a unique overview of the entire field. Adopting a systematic and practice-oriented approach, and including a wide range of technical and methodological information, this highly accessible handbook is an invaluable ‘toolbox’ for any bioengineer. In two massive volumes, it covers the full spectrum of current concepts, methods and application areas.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Guidelines for the Functional Analysis of Engineered and Mutant Enzymes
Engineering Enantioselectivity in Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
Mechanism and Catalytic Promiscuity: Emerging Mechanistic Principles for Identification and Manipulation of Catalytically Promiscuous Enzymes
Phi-Value Analysis of Protein Folding Transition States
Protein Folding and Solubility: Pathways and High-Throughput Assays
Protein Dynamics and the Evolution of Novel Protein Function
Gaining Insight into Enzyme Function through Correlation with Protein Motions
Structural Frameworks Suitable for Engineering
Microbes and Enzymes: Recent Trends and New Directions to Expand Protein Space
Inteins in Protein Engineering
From Prospecting to Product –
Industrial Metagenomics Is Coming of Age
Computational Protein Design
Assessing and Exploiting the Persistence of Substrate Ambiguity in Modern Protein Catalysts
Designing Programmable Protein Switches
The Cyclization of Peptides and Proteins with Inteins
A Method for Rapid Directed Evolution
Evolution of Enantioselective Bacillus subtilis Lipase
Circular Permutation of Proteins
Incorporating Synthetic Oligonucleotides via Gene Reassembly (ISOR): A Versatile Tool for Generating Targeted Libraries
Protein Engineering by Structure-Guided SCHEMA Recombination
Chimeragenesis in Protein Engineering
Protein Generation Using a Reconstituted System
Equipping in vivo Selection Systems with Tunable Stringency
Protein Engineering by Phage Display
Screening Methodologies for Glycosidic Bond Formation
Yeast Surface Display in Protein Engineering and Analysis
In Vitro Compartmentalization (IVC) and Other High-Throughput Screens of Enzyme Libraries
Colorimetric and Fluorescence-Based Screening
Confocal and Conventional Fluorescence-Based High Throughput Screening in Protein Engineering
30 Alteration of Substrate Specificity and Stereoselectivity of Lipases and Esterases
Altering Enzyme Substrate and Cofactor Specificity via Protein Engineering
Protein Engineering of Modular Polyketide Synthases
Cyanophycin Synthetases
Biosynthetic Pathway Engineering Strategies
Natural Polyester-Related Proteins: Structure, Function, Evolution and Engineering
Bioengineering of Sequence-Repetitive Polypeptides: Synthetic Routes to Protein-Based Materials of Novel Structure and Function
Silk Proteins –
Biomaterials and Bioengineering
Sobre o autor
Stefan Lutz holds a B. S. degree from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland), and a M.S. degree from the University of Teesside (UK). He then obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Florida and spent three years as a Postdoc with Stephen Benkovic at Pennsylvania State University under a fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Since 2002 he has been a Chemistry professor at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). The research in the Lutz laboratory focuses on the structure-function relationship of proteins through combinatorial protein engineering.
Uwe Bornscheuer studied Chemistry at the University of Hannover (Germany), where he obtained a Ph. D. at the Institute of Technical Chemistry. He then spent a postdoctoral year at the University of Nagoya, Japan, before returning to Germany to join the Institute of Technical Biochemistry at the University of Stuttgart. Since 1999 he has been Professor for Biotechnology and Enzyme Catalysis at the University of Greifswald. His main research interest is the application of engineered enzymes in the synthesis of optically active compounds and in lipid modification.