Autor: Stephan Klingebiel

Stephan Klingebiel is Head of the Department of Bilateral and Multilateral Development Policy at the German Development Institute, Germany. His research and university teaching focus on the political economy of aid, aid development effectiveness, political economy and governance issues in sub-Saharan Africa, and crisis prevention and conflict management. He is a regular Visiting Professor at Stanford University, USA. Timo Mahn is a researcher and public sector consultant at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). His research interests include public financial management, development effectiveness and the United Nations. Mario Negre is a senior economist in the World Bank Research Group focusing on inclusive growth and shared prosperity as well as poverty and inequality measurement. He is seconded by the German Development Institute and has worked at the European Parliament in the past. r>

4 Ebooks por Stephan Klingebiel

Timo Casjen Mahn & Mario Negre: The Fragmentation of Aid
This edited volume provides an assessment of an increasingly fragmented aid system. Development cooperation is fundamentally changing its character in the wake of global economic and political t …
Stephan Klingebiel & Victoria Gonsior: Public Sector Performance and Development Cooperation in Rwanda
This study provides a conceptual framework for analysing Results-Based Approaches to improving public sector effectiveness and efficiency according to their actor constellation and shared characteris …
Ann-Kristin Mull: Ist öko immer gut?
Wenn wir nur noch ‘Made in Germany’ kaufen, verlieren dann Menschen in Indien ihre Lebensgrundlage? Unterstütze ich korrupte Regierungen, wenn ich Hilfsorganisationen Geld spende? Gehen beim Wasser s …
Sachin Chaturvedi & Heiner Janus: Palgrave Handbook of Development Cooperation for Achieving the 2030 Agenda
This open access handbook analyses the role of development cooperation in achieving the 2030 Agenda in a global context of ‘contested cooperation’. Development actors, including governments providing …