Specially selected from The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd edition, each article within this compendium covers the fundamental themes within the discipline and is written by a leading practitioner in the field. A handy reference tool.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Contents General Preface Introduction List of Contributors List of Entries Entries A-Z Index
Sobre o autor
SANDEEP BALIGA Northwestern University, USA SAMUEL BOWLES University of Massachusetts, USA ADAM BRANDENBURGER New York University, USA COLIN F. CAMERER California Institute of Technology, USA ROSS CRESSMAN Wilfred Laurier University, Canada MARTIN W.CRIPPS University College London, UK MARTIN DUFWENBERG University of Arizona, USA HERBERT GINTIS University of Siena, Italy& University of Massachusetts, USA FARUK GUL Princeton University, USA JOSEPH Y. HALPERN Cornell University, USA SERGIU HART The Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel AVIAD HEIFETZ The Open University, Israel EHUD KALAI Northwestern University, USA MICHAEL KEARNS University of Pennsylvania, USA VIJAY KRISHNA Penn State University, USA JOHN O, LEDYARD California Institute of Technology, USA OLOF LEIMAR Stockholm University, Sweden KANDORI MICHIHIRO University of Tokyo, Japan JOHN MORGAN University of California Berkeley, USA STEPHEN MORRIS Princeton University, USA ROGER B. MYERSON University of Chicago, USA JOHN NACHBAR Washington University, St Louis, USA MARTIN J. OSBORNE University of Toronto, Canada PHILIP J. RENY University of Chicago, USA WILLIAM H. SANDHOLM University of Wisconsin Madison, USA MARK A. SATTERTHWAITE Northwestern University, USA ROBERTO SERRANO Brown University, USA MARCIANO SINISCALCHI Northwestern University, USA TOMAS SJÖSTRÖM Rutgers University, USA XAVIER VIVES University of Navarra, Spain MARK WALKER University of Arizona, USA ROBERT B. WILSONStanford University, USA JOHN WOODERS University of Arizona, USA PEYTON H. YOUNG Johns Hopkins University, USA