‘I Forgot!’ is a children’s book featuring Ralph, the field mouse. It was written to help parents learn additional skills in raising their children. It is the first in a series of books dealing with common themes.
This book is intended to be used by parents WITH their children. It’s an indirect way to begin to talk about your child’s forgetting.
The final page of the book is for ADULTS only. The moral of the story andvalues presented in the book are highlighted.Use the final page for discussion with your child and for ideas to help your child change’forgetting’ behavior.
It has beenextremely rewarding to hear from counselors, K-6 teachers and parents about the effectiveness of my book! My story truly hits home with families as well as school personnel who have struggled with their children’s forgetfulness. And, children are identifying with my main character, Ralph. They get it!!
Sobre o autor
Susan Monson, LPC, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Play Therapist and a Hypnotherapist. She has over 27 years of specialized training working with children and parents.
She holds a B.S. from Indiana State University, a M.S. from Indiana University, and a M.Ed. in Counseling from the University of Arkansas.
While working with children in the public schools, she was awarded the ‘Arkansas State Counselor of the Year’ in 2002.
‘While working with children of all ages, several themes kept presenting themselves. They were common themes regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or economics.’
‘How many times have you, as a parent or grandparent, heard these two words: I forgot?’
The story, I Forgot! grew out of the common theme of forgetting. Too often we let children off the hook by giving them the excuse that they are just hyper or ADD. By rescuing them, we don’t allow them to learn the skill of remembering!
And understanding forgetting and rescuing is crucial to good parenting. This is what lead to my parenting book: Parenting Secrets…’What No One Told You…’