The 2003 International Conference ‘Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials’ was held in September 2003. In the tradition of the earlier ICHMS conferences, this meeting served as an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent research on transition to hydrogen-based energy systems, technologies for hydrogen production, storage, utilization, materials, energy and environmental problems. The aim of the volume is to provide an overview of the latest scientific results on research and development in the different topics cited above. The representatives from industry, public laboratories, universities and governmental agencies have presented the most recent advances in hydrogen concepts, processes and systems, to evaluate current progress in these areas of investigations and to identify promising research directions for the future.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Phase Transformations in Carbon Materials
Hydrogen Solubility in FCC Fullerite
Controlling Role of Electron Concentration in Plasma – Chemical Synthesis
Oxygen Source for Isolated Fuel Ceils
Microscopic Characteristics of H Diffusion and Diffuse Scattering of Radiations in H.C.P.-Ln-H (From the Data on Electrical-Resistivity Relaxation)
Investigation of Content of Endometallofulerenes Extracts
An Overview of Hydrogen Storage Methods
Alumo- and Borohydrides of Metals: History, Properties, Technology, App!ication
Structural – Phase Transformations in Titanium – Fullerene Films at Implantation of Boron lons
Field Emission Investigation of Carbon Nanotubes Doped by Different Metals
Development of Methods of Deposition of Discontinuous Nickel Coatings on
Powders of AB5 Type Alloys
XRD Patterns of Cathode Deposits Formed in Electric are Sputtering Zr-Me Graphite Electrodes
Metal Hydride Accumulators of Hydrogen on the Basis of Alloys of Magnesium and Rare-Earth Metals with Nickel
Synthesis of Nanotubes in the Liquid Phase
Mossbauer Study of Carbon Nanostructures Obtained on Fe-Ni Catalyst
Determination of an Optimum Performance of PEM Fuel Celi Based on its
Limiting Current Density
Photoinduced Modifications ofthe Structure and Microhardness of Fullerite C
Investigation on the Carbon Special Form Graphitic Nanofibres as a Hydrogen
Storage Materials
Heterometallic Fullerides of Transition Metals with the Composition
Characterization of Nanoparticles Processed by arc-Discharge between Carbon
Electrodes Containing Ni Catalyst
Protection of Securities by the Application of Fullerenes
Spectrophotometric Analysis of C and C Fullerenes in Toluene Solutions
Effect ofthe Nature ofthe Reactor Wall Material on Morphology and Structure
of Products Resulted from are Graphite Sputtering
Study of Thermodynamic Parameters of Hydrogen Gas by Grapho-Analytic
Simulation of Operation Heat or Cold-Making Unit with Hydride Heat Pump
Quantum-Chemical Investigations of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube
Hydrogenation Processes
Quantum Chemical Investigations ofthe Growth Models of Single Wall Carbon
Nanotubes on Polyhen Rings, Fullerenes and Diamond Surface
Covalent-Binding Carbon Nanotube: Simulation of Formation Mechanisms and
Energy Characteristics
To the Theory of Formation in Cast Iron of Spherical Graphite
Modelling of Dehydration and Dehydrogenation in Pure and Ba-, Ca-, Sr- or
Y-Modified Zirconia Nanolayer
Metallcontaining Nanoparticles in Carbochain Polymeric Matrixes
X-ray Structural Study of Deposit Formed on Electric arc Sputtering of Me
Effect of Hydrogen on Delayed Fracture of HCP c -Steels Based on Fe-Mn Solid
System Combined Automobile Feed on Carbon Nanostructures with Hydrogen
Adsorbate Application
T-Nanoconstructions on the (000 1) – Surface of Graphite Based on Carbon
(6, 6) – Nanotubes
Three – Dimensional Polymerized Cubic Phase of Fullerenes C
Nanostructure and Electronic Spectra of Cu-C Films
Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide Films as Perspective Tribological Coatings and Semiconductor Layers
Vibrational Spectra and Molecular Structure ofthe Hydrofullerenes C
C and C as Studied by IR and Raman Spectroscopy and First-Principle
Hydrogen Segregation in the Residual Stresses Field
Nanoparticles of Metals and Oxides on Surface of Carbon Fibers are Effective Catalysts of Chemical Transformations of Epoxy Oligomers
Theory of Transport Phenomena on Plasma — Metal Hydride Interface The Ultradisperse Formations of Free Carbon in Alloys of Iron
Simulation of Fullerene Irradiation and Fragmentation by Particle Beams
Lithium in Nanoporous Carbon Materials Produced from Si C
Scientific-Technical Prerequisites in Ukraine for Development ofthe Wind-
Hydrogen Plants
Synthesis and Structural Peculiarities ofthe Exfoliated Graphite Modified by Carbon Nanostructures
Modeling of TDS-Spectra of Dehydrating
Some Schematics of Use of Hydride Devices in the Automobile
Electronic-Microscopic Investigation of Nanoscale Products of Catalytic Pyrolysis of Toluene
Application ofthe Metal Hydride Activation Effect of Hydrogen Isotopes for
Plasma Chemical Technologies
Vibrational Spectra of C Polymers: Experiment and First-Principle Assignment
Feasibility of Hydrogen Energy Production Through Natura! Gas Steam
Reformation Process in the UAE
Isotope Effects in the Quasielastic Mössbauer Absorption of 57 in Nb H and
Nb D
Electrica! Resistance of Binary Ordered Alloys with HCP Structure in the
Presence of Impurity Atoms or Thermal Vacancies
Hydriding Properties of Magnesium-Sa!t Mechanical Alloys
Hydrogen Sorption and Electrochemical Properties oflntermetallic Compounds
La and La
Hydride Phases in Sm —NH System VN. Fokin, Yu.M. Shul B.P. Tarasov, E.E. Fokina,
Optical Investigation of Hydrogen Intercalation-Deintercalation Processes in
Layered Semiconductor ‘y-In Se Crystals
Quantum Topology and Computer Simulation of Confined Hydrogen Atom Inside Spherical-Form Gap
Calorimetric Investigation ofthe Hydrogen Interaction with Ti E.
Interaction in Nb VCo-H and Nb VFe-H Systems under Hydrogen Pressure up to
2000 atm.
Effect of Hydrogenation on Spin-Reorientation Phase Transitions in R
(R = Y, Ho, Er) Compounds
The Cluster Growth Mechanism of Nanostructured Diamond v.Melnikova
Specific Features in Thermal Expansion of YFe 1 Single Crystals
Study of Structure, Hydrogen Absorption and Eleetrochemical Properties of
Tio Substoichiometric Laves Phase Alloys
Effect of Stress on Accumulation of Hydrogen and Microstructure of Silicon co-Implanted with Hydrogen and Helium
Hydrogen Storage Materials and their Maximum Ability on Reversible Hydrogen
The Study of Changes of Physico – Mechanical Properties of Materials in a
Condensed State under Hydrogen lnfluence Using Fault Detection Acoustic
Microscopy Methods
Diffusion of Hydrogen in Amorphous, High Deformed and Nanocrystalline
Diffusion of Hydrogen in Binary and Ternary Disordered Alloys.
Author Index
Subject Index