Autor: Takeo Ohsawa

Kunihiko Kodaira (1915–1997) was a Japanese mathematician. He developed the theory of complex manifolds — high-dimensional geometric objects that have complex numbers as coordinates. They are invisible to the naked eye except for Riemann surfaces, which are one-dimensional complex manifolds. By using such analytical methods as harmonic integrals and algebraic machinery such as sheaf cohomology, Kodaira found that a geometry of complex manifolds as rich as that of concrete shape could be developed — a discovery of great importance. In 1954, Kodaira received the Fields Medal for his series of works on harmonic analysis represented by the Kodaira vanishing theorem. In the 80-year history of the Fields Medal, which has included 55 awardees since 1936, he was the fifth recipient worldwide and the first in Asia. In his later life, Kodaira was awarded the 1984 Wolf Prize in Mathematics for his outstanding contributions to the study of complex manifolds. Kodaira studied harmonic integrals with penetrating insight, and with applications that were of great consequence to algebraic and complex geometry —  for instance the deformation theory of complex structures (in collaboration with D. C. Spencer),   the classification of complex analytic surfaces, and the projective imbedding theorem. Researchers in these subjects worldwide continue to be greatly influenced and inspired by his work.

8 Ebooks por Takeo Ohsawa

Takeo Ohsawa: L² Approaches in Several Complex Variables
The purpose of this monograph is to present the current status of a rapidly developing part of several complex variables, motivated by the applicability of effective results to algebraic geometry and …
Takeo Ohsawa: L² Approaches in Several Complex Variables
This monograph presents the current status of a rapidly developing part of several complex variables, motivated by the applicability of effective results to algebraic geometry and differential geomet …
Kunihiko Kodaira: Nevanlinna Theory
This book deals with the classical theory of Nevanlinna on the value distribution of meromorphic functions of one complex variable, based on minimum prerequisites for complex manifolds. The theory wa …
Daniel Alpay & Joseph A. Ball: Reproducing Kernels and their Applications
The First International Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computations (ISAAC’97) was held at the University of Delaware from 3 to 7 June 1997. As specified in …
Junjiro Noguchi & Takeo Ohsawa: Prospects in Complex Geometry
In the Teichmuller theory of Riemann surfaces, besides the classical theory of quasi-conformal mappings, vari- ous approaches from differential geometry and algebraic geometry have merged in recent y …
Takeo Ohsawa & Norihiko Minami: Bousfield Classes and Ohkawa’s Theorem
This volume originated in the workshop held at Nagoya University, August 28–30, 2015, focusing on the surprising and mysterious Ohkawa’s theorem: the Bousfield classes in the stable homotopy category …
Takeo Ohsawa & Thomas Pawlaschyk: Analytic Continuation and q-Convexity
The focus of this book is on the further development of the classical achievements in analysis of several complex variables, the analytic continuation and the analytic structure of sets, to settings …
Kengo Hirachi & Takeo Ohsawa: The Bergman Kernel and Related Topics
This volume consists of 15 papers contributing to the Hayama Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XXIII, which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Bergman kern …