Autor: Taylor Remington

For the past eight years, Taylor Remington has cultivated and devoted himself to Christ-centered meditational and contemplative practices. Taylor has participated and served in multiple Christian spiritual arenas for the past ten years. He has a B.A. in Inter-Cultural Studies and a minor in Biblical studies from Biola University as well as an M.A. in Theology and Religion from the Claremont School of Theology, where his studies focused on transpersonal aspects of experience and becoming. Taylor”s background and expertise are centered around the Spiritual, as emphasized through the historical, mystical, philosophical, and theological practices and ideas of the ancient, medieval, and modern Church. In addition to his scholastic training, Taylor is a certified Mindfulness and Meditation teacher as well as a certified Christian Mindfulness teacher.

4 Ebooks por Taylor Remington

Taylor Remington: Guia de meditação cristã para iniciantes
Está procurando uma prática de meditação cristocêntrica, mas não sabe onde encontrar? Está buscando maneiras de aumentar a consciência do fluir Divino dentro do seu ser? O Guia de Meditação Cristã pa …
Taylor Remington: A Beginner’s Guide To Christian Meditation

Are you seeking a Christian approach to meditation but don’t know where to start?

Capa do Taylor Remington: Russian Edition - A Beginner's Guide to Christian Meditation

Taylor Remington: Russian Edition – A Beginner’s Guide to Christian Meditation
Вы ищете христоцентрический подход к медитации, но не знаете, с чего начать? Вы ищете способы увеличить осознание Божественного потока внутри вашего существа? Руководство для начинающих по христианск …