‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength.’ This, Jesus tells us, is the greatest commandment. Implicit in it is the message that propels us out to the ends of the earth, news as simple as it is good: God so loves the world that he gave his only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, and he invites us into a saving relationship with him.’The second commandment, ‘ Jesus goes on, ‘is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ If the first commandment is simple, the second one gets a little tricky. Sometimes it seems like we're loving our neighbor in our random acts of kindness, but in reality we're making things worse for them. And sometimes we lose sight of what's distinctly Christian about our ministries of mercy; our acts of love move our neighbors no closer to the loving God who calls them to repentance.In Reforming Mercy Ministry Ted Rivera identifies thirty-three ways we can engage the world with Christian compassion. And he offers fresh insight into our impulse to help, so that we do more good than harm. All the while he keeps the second great commandment close to the first: we love our neighbors, Rivera reminds us, because God first loved us—and because God loves our neighbors more than we do.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction: Won?t I Be Your Neighbor?
1. Feed the Hungry
2. Fight Famine
3. Give Drink to the Thirsty
4. Care for the Stranger
5. Help the Homeless
6. Supply Clothes to the Needy
7. Care for the Sick
8. Provide Disaster Relief
9. Minister to the Imprisoned
10. Effectively Oppose Abortion
11. Offer Crisis Pregnancy Support
12. Adopt
13. Become a Foster Parent
14. Fight Child Abuse
15. Fight Pornography
16. Support Women?s Shelters
17. Care for Widows
18. Care for the Disabled
19. Give Hospice Care
20. Fight for Human Rights
21. Fight Racism
22. Fight Drug and Alcohol Abuse
23. Fight for Fair Wages
24. Fight for Health Care Reform
25. Teach Financial Responsibility
26. Enter the Political Arena
27. Be Outspoken
28. Go Somewhere No One Else Is Willing to Go
29. Live Unselfishly
30. Model Compassion
31. Give Money
32. Show Respect
33. Care for Spiritual Needs
Sobre o autor
Ted Rivera (Ph D, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is an instructor in the online program at Liberty University. He is the author of Jonathan Edwards on Worship: Public and Private Devotion to God and The Heart of Love.