Expansion and privatization have created new concerns over the quality of education throughout the Asia/Pacific region. This volume provides a framework to examine these challenges in the region and beyond.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Quality and the Public Good: An Inseparable Linkage; T.Bigalke & D.Neubauer The Growing Importance of the Privateness in Education: Challenges for Higher Education Governance in China; K.H.Mok Redefining Public and Private in Asia Pacific Higher Education; M.Lee Increasing Privatization of U.S. Higher Education: Forerunner or Deviant Case?; T.Bigalke Rankings and Quality – a European Perspective; G.Federkeil Future Directions for American Higher Education Accreditation; R.Wolff The Transformation of Quality Assurance in Higher Education In China; J.Shi Quality Assurance and Higher Education in Japan; S.Yamamoto Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Developing Country Perspective and Experience; V.S.Prasad Quality Assurance in Higher Education: The Taiwan experience since 1990s; (Kent) S.Y.Cheng Quality assurance in Indonesian Higher Educatio; M.K.Tajudin The Challenges of Creating and Maintaining Higher Education Quality under Conditions of Rapid Economic Development in Thailand; S.Muangkeow The Future Directions of Higher Education Quality Assurance in Korea; K.Lee Accreditation in the Philippines: A Case Study; V.Ordonez & G.Ordonez Constructing a General Framework for Quality Evaluation in Higher Education; J.Shi Doing Quality as Public Policy; D.Neubauer
Sobre o autor
Deane E. Neubauer is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA and Senior Advisor to the International Forum for Education program at the East-West Center, Honolulu, USA.