In this book, Tiffany Field relates meaningful experiences she has shared with her friends and family across her life span. She has modeled this memoir after the Spoon River Anthology, with one page allotted to each friend and family member who is given initials, not their real names. She is very grateful for her friends and family, who appear here in brief sketches, and knows she has other friends and family she has yet to remember in a future volume. The photos with faces are near and dear friends who gave their permission, and those who cannot be identified are random photos taken here and abroad.
Sobre o autor
Tiffany Field, Ph.D. is director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine and faculty at Fielding Graduate University. She is the recipient of the American Psychological Association Distinguished Young Scientist Award and the Golden Goose award from the National Academy of Sciences. She has had a Research Scientist Award from the NIH for her research career. She is the author of Touch, Heartbreak, Infancy, The Amazing Infant, Touch Therapy, Massage Therapy and Complementary and Alternative Therapies, the editor of a series of volumes on High-Risk Infants and on Stress and Coping, and the author of over 500 journal papers.