Hacking provides an introduction to the community of hackers and an
analysis of the meaning of hacking in twenty-first century
On the one hand, hackers infect the computers of the world,
entering where they are not invited, taking over not just
individual workstations but whole networks. On the other, hackers
write the software that fuels the Internet, from the most popular
web programmes to software fundamental to the Internet’s existence.
Beginning from an analysis of these two main types of hackers,
categorised as crackers and Free Software/Open Source respectively,
Tim Jordan gives the reader insight into the varied identities of
hackers, including:
* Hacktivism; hackers and populist politics
* Cyberwar; hackers and the nation-state
* Digital Proletariat; hacking for the man
* Viruses; virtual life on the Internet
* Digital Commons; hacking without software
* Cypherpunks; encryption and digital security
* Nerds and Geeks; hacking cultures or hacking without the
* Cybercrime; blackest of black hat hacking
Hackers end debates over the meaning of technological
determinism while recognising that at any one moment we are all
always determined by technology. Hackers work constantly within
determinations of their actions created by technologies as they
also alter software to enable entirely new possibilities for and
limits to action in the virtual world. Through this fascinating
introduction to the people who create and recreate the digital
media of the Internet, students, scholars and general readers will
gain new insight into the meaning of technology and society when
digital media are hacked.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Chapter One: The Hack.
Chapter Two: Cracking: black hats on the internet.
Chapter Three: Free Software and Open Source: collaboration,
objects and property.
Chapter Four: Hacking the Social: hacktivism, cyberwar,
cyberterror, cybercrime.
Chapter Five: Hacking the Non-Hack: creative commons, hackers
who don’t programme, programming proletariat, hacking sub-cultures
and nerds and geeks.
Chapter Six: The Meaning of Hacking.
Further Reading.
Sobre o autor
Tim Jordan is Lecturer in Sociology at the Open University.