Ulrike Guérot outlines the idea of a radically different Europe: Europe as a Republic. The concept is based on two pillars: Firstly, the principle of political equality for all European citizens and the separation of powers, instead of a non-transparent and technocratic ‘trilogy’ of the existing European institutions. Secondly, strong European regions actively participating in European decision-
One market, one currency, one democracy: Ulrike Guérot presents a passionate plea for the completion of the European project by creating a single European democracy in which the citizens are the sovereign and solidarity across Europe is institutionalized.
Sobre o autor
Ulrike Guérot, born in 1964, is a political scientist, Professor of European Policy and the Study of Democracy at Danube-University Krems (Austria), and Founder of the European Democracy Lab (Eu Dem Lab), Berlin. She has been dealing with the future of European democracy for many years and is an expert on the EU, its institutions and weaknesses. www.eudemlab.org