Mário de Andrade (São Paulo, 1893-1945) foi um dos mais importantes escritores brasileiros do século XX, tendo também se destacado como crítico literário, musicólogo, folclorista e produtor cultural. Foi uma das figuras centrais dos movimentos de vanguarda de São Paulo e, ao lado dos também escritores Oswald de Andrade e Menotti Del Picchia, e das pintoras Tarsila do Amaral e Anita Malfatti, promoveu a Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922, evento responsável por reformular a literatura e as artes visuais do Brasil. Entre suas principais obras estão Pauliceia desvairada, livro de poemas que explora preceitos do Movimento Modernista, e Macunaíma, romance renovador que condensa os mitos indígenas e o folclore brasileiros.
5 Ebooks por Vitor Neves
Imme van den Berg & Vitor Neves: The Strength of Nonstandard Analysis
Nonstandard Analysis enhances mathematical reasoning by introducing new ways of expression and deduction. Distinguishing between standard and nonstandard mathematical objects, its inventor, the emine …
Jose Castro Caldas & Vitor Neves: Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics
Is Economics an ‘objective’ or ‘positive’ science, independent of ethical and political positions? The financial crisis that began in 2007 gave rise to renewed doubts regarding the ‘objectivity’ of e …
Jose Castro Caldas & Vitor Neves: Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics
Is Economics an ‘objective’ or ‘positive’ science, independent of ethical and political positions? The financial crisis that began in 2007 gave rise to renewed doubts regarding the ‘objectivity’ of e …
Nigel J Cutland & Vitor Neves: Developments in Nonstandard Mathematics
This book contains expository papers and articles reporting on recent research by leading world experts in nonstandard mathematics, arising from the International Colloquium on Nonstandard Mathematic …
Nigel J Cutland & Vitor Neves: Developments in Nonstandard Mathematics
This book contains expository papers and articles reporting on recent research by leading world experts in nonstandard mathematics, arising from the International Colloquium on Nonstandard Mathematic …