This book looks at changes in the first language of people who know a second language, thus seeing L2 users as people in their own right differing from the monolingual in both first and second languages. It presents theories and research that investigate the first language of second language users from a variety of perspectives including vocabulary, pragmatics, cognition, and syntax and using a variety of linguistic and psychological models.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1 Vivian Cook: Introduction: The Changing L1 in the L2 User’s Mind
2 Batia Laufer: The Influence of L2 on L1 Collocational Knowledge and on L1 Lexical Diversity in Free Written Expression
3 Aneta Pavlenko: ‘I Feel Clumsy Speaking Russian’: L2 Influence on L1 in Narratives of Russian L2 Users of English
4 Jasone Cenoz: The Intercultural Style Hypothesis: L1 and L2 Interaction in Requesting Behaviour
5 Scott Jarvis: Probing the Effects of the L2 on the L1: A Case Study
6 Graeme Porte: English from a Distance: Code-mixing and Blending in the L1 Output of Long-Term Resident Overseas EFL Teachers
7 Jean-Marc Dewaele and Aneta Pavlenko: Productivity and Lexical Diversity in Native and Non-Native Speech: A Study of Cross-cultural Effects
8 Victoria A. Murphy and Karen J. Pine: L2 Influence on L1 Linguistic Representations
9 Patricia Balcom: Cross-linguistic Influence of L2 English on Middle Constructions in L1 French
10 Vivian Cook, Elisabet Iarossi, Nektarios Stellakis and Yuki Tokumaru: Effects of the L2 on the Syntactic Processing of the L1
11 Teresa Satterfield: Economy of Interpretation: Patterns of Pronoun Selection in Transitional Bilinguals
12 Ulrike Jessner: A Dynamic Approach to Language Attrition in Multilingual Systems
13 Istvan Kecskes and Tunde Papp: How to Demonstrate the Conceptual Effect of L2 on L1? Methods and Techniques
Sobre o autor
Vivian Cook, who sadly passed away before his chapter in this volume appeared, was a British linguist who was Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at Newcastle University. He was renowned for his work on second language acquisition and second language teaching, and for writing successful textbooks and popular books about linguistics. He worked on a number of topics such as bilingualism, EFL (English as a foreign language), first language acquisition, second language teaching, linguistics, and the English writing system. He published more than 20 books and 100 papers across seven decades. He was founder and first President of the European Second Language Association (Euro SLA), and co-founder of the Oxford University Press journal Writing Systems Research. He died on December 15, 2021, at the age of 81. Vivian will be profoundly missed by his colleagues and students.