As we begin a new millennium, humankind is still plagued by intergroup conflict, racism, prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. This book is intended both as supplemental reading for courses and as a practical guidebook for individuals and programs interested in reducing prejudice and improving intergroup relations. It provides the only comprehensive review and compilation of techniques of improving intergroup relations. There′s a huge amount of literature on the causes and nature of prejudice, reflecting great interest in the topic, but the literature on prejudice reduction is more scattered, spread across a range of theoretical and applied sources. This book brings these literatures together, with an emphasis on helping to elucidate what works and why.
Tabela de Conteúdo
A Brief History of Intergroup Relations
Intergroup Relations Theories and Concepts
Multicultural Education Introduction
Diversity Initiatives in the Workplace
Intergroup Dialogues
Intercultural Training Programs
Cooperative Learning Groups
Conflict Resolution Programs
Moral and Values Education Programs
Evaluating Intergroup Relations Programs