Read THINKING BIGGER to better understand your world, your future, yourself and your inherent role within our human species and our universe.
Learn why our species is lost and why this situation is so dangerous.
Understand why humanity’s long progression must have a brilliant Summit and why we can not reach this Summit with our present approach.
THINKING BIGGER reveals how our species plays a crucial role in the colossal, starry advancing universe around us.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Does Our Human Progressive Process Have a Natural Summit, a Best- Possible Future’
1 Why Are We Humans Lost? Why Does It Matter?
2 What Are We Humans, Really? Part 1
3 Human History: How Did Our Species Progress?
4 How Does Our Species’ Long, Great Progression Work?
5 How Do Our Abilities-Expanding Progression and Our Biological Evolutions Differ?
6 What Subjects Should We Attempt to Maximize? Why Were They Chosen?
7 What Are the Four Kinds of Maximums?
8 Why Attempt to Maximize Our Seven Fundamental Abilities and Our Bodies and Minds?
9 How Should We Maximize Our Seven Fundamental Abilities?
10 How Should We Maximize Our Bodies and Minds? Human Self-Realization. Our Potential-Filling Progression.
11 Maximizing Beyond Our Seven Fundamental Abilities and Our Bodies and Minds.
12 The Second Proof that the Calousian Summit Exists. Statement 1: How the Advancing Universe Produced Us.
13 The Second Proof that the Calousian Summit Exists. Statement 2: How the Advancing Universe (AU) Progresses.
14 The Third Proof that the Calousian Summit Exists.104
About the Calousian Summit
15 Why Is Identifying the Calousian Summit Advantageous to Us?
16 Revolution #1:The Revolutionary Changes in Perception That Come From Identifying the Calousian Summit.
17 Why Is Calousia Our Biggest, Richest, Best-Possible Future?
18 Why Is Calousia a Distinctive, Universal Summit?
19 Revolution #2: How Does Calousia’s Existence Revolutionize Our Perception of Our Relationship With the Universe?
20 Revolution #3: Why Does Calousia’s Existence Revolutionize Our Perception of Us Humans?
21 Why Does Calousia’s Existence Give Our Species a Primary Purpose?
22 Revolution #4: How Does Calousia’s Existence Revolutionize Our Perception of Races, Cultures, and Nations?
23 Revolution #5: How Does Calousia’s Existence Revolutionize Our Perception of Our Primary Environment?
24 How Far Away Is Calousia? Does the AU Have a Stage Eight?
25 Why We Can’t See Calousia Clearly Now and Why It Doesn’t Matter?
26 What the Existence of Calousia Says About You and Me.
What We Must Do to Reach the Calousian Summit?
27 Seven Dangerous Aspects of the Modern World.
28 Our Urgent, Momentous Choice.
29 Who Is in Charge? Are We Sufficiently Capable?
30 What Are the Seven New, World-Wide Organizations Which We Must Create?
31 Revolution #6: Implementing Humanity’s Great Progressive Era.
32 Revolution #7: The Post-Calousian Progression.
33 How You Might Help: Accept Responsibility and Act Accordingly.
Sobre o autor
Warren Musser Warren Musser grew up in the fast-changing San Francisco Bay Area of California. He graduated from Yale receiving a BA in literature, history, and psychology. Subsequently, he he spent three years at Juilliard studying symphonic composition. He returned to the Bay Area after 10 years and found huge growth and changes in his home city. Where, he wondered, did these changes tend to take not just Californians, but all humanity? He felt that humanity was becoming lost.So in the evening of October 1, 1960 in spite of his inadequate background in this multi-disciplinary area, Musser decided to devote his life to trying to find out where our long progression should take us. Thus began years of intensive reading in the sciences, technology, and other relevant areas. This book is the product of sixty interesting years of dedicated, persistent, multi-disciplinary effort to analyze our human species evolution and to predict its path in the future.